Chapter 1 - James!

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^^ these photo's are 100% mine. Middle 2 photos, her currently.

Teddy Lupin, Rose Weasley, Hugo Weasley, Fred Weasley , Molly Weasley , Lucy Weasley, Roxanne Weasley, James Potter, Albus Potter, Lily Potter and 'Dora Potter, along with their parents were all at the potter's house, 12 Grimmauld place, staying over the night before the Ministry's annual New Year Ball, which all the Potter-Weasley + Lupin clan were invited to. Their parents; George and Angelina Weasley, Percy and Audrey Weasley, Ron and Hermione Weasley, and Ginny and Harry Potter were in the kitchen, talking and catching up. Bill and Fluer Weasley along with their children; Victorie, Dominique and Louis were coming tomorrow.

The kids were in the living room and 'Dora was running around the lounge where everyone else was with her fluttery fairy wings on her back, and her eyes a bright Yellow, pretending to be a fairy, luckily Teddy caught her before she was about to jump off the sofa and 'fly'. 

"Come on squirt" Teddy said as he put her over his shoulder and brought her over to where the others where, some playing exploding snap, others playing wizards chess and sat down with her in his lap. 'Dora jumped up and ran over to where James was watching Lucy and Albus play Wizards chess.

"Hey Jamie" She said happily sitting next to him.

"Ugh" He replied in mock annoyance "I told you not to call me that Dora" She laughed. He side hugged his little sister and smiled down at her.

"I'm bored" she groaned falling backwards.

"Go play with Hugo" She sat upright quickly and she jumped up and ran to Hugo and they ran out the room.

James, loved his sister and all but sometimes she was annoying, or clingy. He got up and went to his best friends and partner in crime, Fred Weasley II, they both lived up to their name sakes very much, being master pranksters.
"Freddie" he whispered into his friends ear, his friend looked up from the chess game between his sister; Roxy and his cousin Molly, he looked at the point that he was going to fall asleep right there from watching it.

"Please, free me from this torture of boringness" he replied back glumly, but with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Absolutely my friend" he said with a confident vibe that said he had a plan.
Fred sat upright at this from his slouching position and smirked up at James.

"What you got in mind" he said as they snuck away form the group and upstairs.

"My dad said earlier this week, to not go in his office" he said with a thoughtful voice "he said it extra sternly this time, where as before it was just don't go on there, the unspoken rule of the house" he shrugged.

"So, what?" Fred asked a little puzzled.

"Well I think he must be hiding something, something important, or dangerous" he said smirking as he lead the way to Harry's office.

"So, something interesting" Fred stated as they paused in front of the door on the top floor. James nodded pushing it open.

It was dark, as no lights were on.
"Lumos" James muttered and the end of his wand lit up, like a torch. There was a book shelf on one wall, a painting of the family and Dumbledore; who was sleeping currently, a window, and a desk. The desk was big, and had many draws, on either side, with a big comfy office chair in the centre. On the desk were, some letters, other trinkets and different inks with quills tucked away in one corner.

They stated to snoop around looking for something interesting. James found some of his confiscated Weasley's Wizard Wheezes products. James came across a weird mirror that he found interesting so he picked it up and pocketed it.

"James over here" Fred whisper yelled who's waving him over with his hand, not looking away form the intriguing object that he found.

"Woah, that's cool, what is it?" James asked looking at the object over Fred's shoulder.

Fred shrugged "Dunno, let's go ask Teddy" he said as he picked up the object by its chain.

They raced down stairs, but a floor below they came across Dora and Hugo, who were in their Pyjamas now as it was late, without the Fairy Wings on her back. They were  coming out of Dora's room,  with blankets as a capes, being superhero's like in the muggle comics.

"Hewwo Jamee" she said sleepily, through a yawn.
"what you got there" Hugo said looking at the object he picked up form Harry's office.

"I dunno I'm going to ask Teddy" he said looking down at her.

"TEDDY!!" Dora screamed down the stairs after running down 2 flights of them, with her blanket flapping behind her. She tripped and almost face planted on the last one, but Teddy caught her. None of the parents heard as they placed a silencing charm in the stairs as they found the thumping of children running up and down them annoying, and they were two floors below them.

"Woah careful" he said as he caught and placed her on the solid ground"what's the screaming for" he asked her.

"James and Fred found something, and they don't know what it is," she answered quickly.

"they said they were gunna ask you" Hugo finished.

"That's never a good thing" Teddy mumbled to himself. As he walked towards the stairs. At the moment everyone in the lounge had stopped what they were doing as they were wondering what Dora screamed for. "James give it here" Teddy said with and outstretched hand as he stood, by the sofa.

"No" James said firmly "I found it"

"Where did you get it anyway?" Teddy asked curiously.

"Uncle Harry's / Dad's office" they mumbled together.

Dora ran over to James. "Can I see it. its all shiny" she said looking up at it. James ignored her. So she went back over to stand next to Hugo fake sulking.

"Your not allowed in Dad's office James" Lily said. "He specifically told you not too"

"Yeah, who knows what it is, if Uncle Harry told you not to go in there, and we don't know what it is, it could be dangerous" Molly said, form her spot.

"It fits the description of what mum said she had in her third year" Rose said, from her position on the sofa with her book in her lap. Trying to remember the name of the object.

"Yeah a time Turner" Hugo said, following his sisters statement.

"Cool!" Fred said excited, looking at it, as James held the chain, dangling the time turner.

"Give it here James" Teddy said more sternly this time.

"Al catch" James said as he threw it at Albus.

"I don't want it" he said as he caught it. He threw it to Lucy who threw it to Hugo, who thew it Fred, who chucked it at James, who missed it.
It fell to the floor and they just stood stunned.

"DAD!!!!" Dora screamed at the top of her lungs scared as the Time turner shattered and the gold dust-smoke surrounded them.

"Dora?, what happe-" Harry asked worriedly as he, ginny and the other parents came to the top to the door to the living room.

He froze. Dora looked at him scared and confused, with her eyes changed uncontrollably to a light grey, as they all disappeared in the smoke. Who know where. Hugo and Dora, holding each other's hand out of fear.

Dora Potter {Harry Potter Next Generation} [Time Travel]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ