Chapter 3 - The Ministry

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^^ the Potter children.

"What just happened?" George Weasley, Fred and Roxy's dad, said slightly confused and shocked at what he saw.

"I'm not particularly sure" Harry said truthfully "but I'm guessing it's James' fault though" Harry said as they all walked into the lounge.
Rose's book was on the floor by the sofa, and the chess boards still there and the players on it, some destroyed some still intact. Ginny was looking at where son was. On the floor there was a gold circular object, with the middle if it broken.

"Hermione, come look at this" Ginny called to Hermione across the room. Hermione made her way over and saw what Ginny was looking at.

"Oh no" she murmured as she saw it.

"What is it?" Audrey, Percy's wife asked.

"They broke a time turner" Hermione said picking it up "which they went somewhere into the past" She said, struggling to hold tears. Ginny looked close to tears. Angelina was shocked, as was Percy.

"Harry, Dora's only nine, so's Hugo" Ginny whispered.

"Teddy's with them, they'll be fine, and Janes won't let anything happen to his baby sister" Harry said to Ginny as he hugged her. 

"We need to go to the Ministry and tell Kingsley. Maybe they have a spare one or something to bring them back" Angelina suggested.

"Yeah, they were developing new ones that can travel back further and then can travel back forward." Ron said.

"How did the children manage to get a hold of a time turner anyway" Audrey said curiously.

"Well i had one locked in my office as the ministry asked me to look after it" Harry said. "And I can bet you that, will be this one" he said painting at the time turner in Hermione's hand.

"We can go to the Ministry tomorrow it's pretty late now" Percy said. So they all agreed and went to bed. Each either had a guest room or their own respectfully. But before Harry went to bed he looked through his office to check if anything else had gone missing, and didn't find anything, he had left the mirror in a draw in his bed side table, or so he thought

The next morning they got ready and by lunch time they had left for the Ministry. Today they were meant to be going to the annual ball there but obviously plans had changed.

Percy was the Head of the Department of Magical Transportation, so they could travel form their home straight to the ministry rather than the public toilets in London or the guest phone booth. Harry was the Head Auror. But Ron used to work as an Auror but stopped to help George in his Joke shop, Weasley's Wizard Wheezes, as it was expanding and becoming loads more popular, and Hermione was Head of Department of Magical Law Enforcement, and was put in as candidly to be the next Minister of Magic once Kingsley stepped down. All had a good name within the ministry. Ginny didn't work at the ministry but she used to play with the Holyhead Harpies until James, came and she stopped to raise them all. She now is the Senior Quidditch correspondent for the Daily Prophet.

When they arrived they went straight to Kingsley, he was in his office and was utmost immediately alert as, Harry, Hermione and Percy followed by Ginny and Ron. The others at home as they didn't want to come as they felt they would be a burden, and George had gone to the shop to open it for a few hours.

"What can if do for you?" Kingsley asked slightly confused to the reason they had turned up at his office.

"James broke a time turner" Harry said bluntly.

"How did he get a time turner?"
Kingsley asked standing up and walking over to them.

"He got it out of Harry's locked office" Ginny said. "It's your fault for naming him after two Mauraders Harry." Looking pointedly at Harry.

"Is the new time turners they were working on ready yet?" Percy asks from behind Harry.

"Almost, but even if it was ready you would have to know when they're gone back too" Kingsley stated, in deep thought.

"The mirror!" Harry says with realisation. Everyone gives him inquisitive looks. "Another thing they were developing, that had actually worked. The other half is here at the ministry, we can try and use that to see if it works at different time periods, and Teddy can tell us where and when they are."

"Good idea Harry, I'll head down there now and get it" Kingsley noises and headed to the door.

"How are we even sure that they have it with them" Hermione asks sceptically.

"Last night I checked my office to see if anything else had gone, I thought I left the mirror in my bedside table, but this morning I checked and I didn't, meaning that Fred or James must have it with them"

"I say it's worth a shot." Ron said.

The rest nodded and headed down after Kingsley to the Department of Mysteries, to the area where they developed new, 'Mysteries' so to speak.

"Mr. Potter, the time turners that are under development are in the Time Room, and the mirror is in the Communications office" an employee said as he greeted them all.

"Thank you mr. Hoffman" Harry nodded in thanks and headed towards the Communications office.

The arrived to the room to find Kingsley talking to one of the workers there and the mirror on a table, nearby, when they entered Kingsley walked from the worker and towards the adults.

"This is the one" Ron asked looking at the  mirror.

"Indeed" Kingsley stated simply. "When we have the time turners completed we will let you know, just make sure you have where and when they are when you collect them."

"Thank you Minister Shaklebolt" Hermione said with her usual formality.

"Anytime, I assume you will not be coming to the ball this year" he said with slight humour in his voice.

"I'm am afraid not Minister" Percy replied also within the slight humorous mood.

Dora Potter {Harry Potter Next Generation} [Time Travel]Where stories live. Discover now