Chapter 9 - Time

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After their trip to the ministry the parents; Ginny, Harry, Percy and Hermione (the ones who went to the ministry the day before) were at the potter's (12 Grimmauld place 2017) but Ron, George and Angelina were at the shop and Audrey was having a day at home where she could relax, away form the stress.

Ginny currently had the mirror in her hand and set it on the coffee table in the living room of the house. The others were sitting around on the sofas chatting idly to each other.

Harry decided to go and get some butter beers so him and Percy went down stairs to go and get them.

Meanwhile they had activated the mirror and waiting for the children's faces to appear.

"JAMES SIRIUS POTTER!!" Ginny Potter screamed at the mirror to her eldest son who was on the receiving end.

"Hehe, hey mum" James sheepishly replied.

"Mum!" Dora excited voice exclaimed happily from the other side.

"Dora? oh thank merlin your alright" Ginny replied calmly a clear contrast too two seconds ago.

"Ginny?" Ron from the past asked surprised.

"Oh hey Ron, well younger Ron I guess" Ginny said to her younger-older-bother.

"She sounds like you when your angry Mum" Ron's distant voice said out of site to the people on the current side of the mirror.

"Ginny? They there?" Harry Potter asked as he came into the living rook from the kitchen with two butterbeer's (one for Gina me one for Ginny) setting them down on the Coffee table. Percy followed suit also with two butterbeer's (one for him and one for Hermione)

"Dad!" Dora shouted excitedly picking up the mirror, with a joggle of the image as she did so.

"Dora! wait... your hair? is it..." Harry said slightly concerned and shocked with the colour change, as he looked over Ginny's shoulder.

"oh ... ummm ..." she stuttered sheepishly as she lifted up a bit of her hair to see it was turning pale brown and slightly yellow, it was slowly returning back to it's original colour as she calmed down.

"Never mind that now" Harry stated returning back to the topic "where-"

"When!" Hermione's voice shouted behind him cutting Harry off.

"and where, Hermione" Harry stated turning around to face Hermione "Where and when are you" He continued, putting emphasis on 'and'.

"mum?" Hugo asked as he made his way into the shot next to Dora.

"Hugo!" Hermione said relieved, "is your sister there too?"

"we're all here auntie Hermione" Lucy's voice said from behind them. Hermione sighed in relief.

"back to the point, when and where are you" Percy said from behind them taking the mirror.

"We are in 12 Grimmauld place" Teddy's voice replied taking the mirror to look at the adults through the mirror, his hair a bright turquoise.

"1995, December 15th" Molly II added from aside.

"We'll come and get you soon" Percy replied.

"The Ministry is currently fixing up the time turner that they were developing" Hermione stated formaly in her Minister of Magic voice, "It will take some time so sit tight"

Ginny came over next to Percy who still had the mirror "and behave!" she added sternly looking at James directly as Teddy brought the mirror further away from him so they could see most of the children "no messing about with the Twins or Sirius" she then addressed Teddy "Please look after them" Teddy nodded "Bye guys see you soon"

"Bye Mum!" Dora said quickly, followed by a chorus of calls of "Bye Mum" or "Buy Aunt Ginny".

Percy replaced the mirror back onto the small table. "Now we know when and where they are we can, theoretically we should be able to travel back when the Time Turner's finished, and bring them back" he stated looking at everyone that was their.

"That's the good news, is that we know where and when they are, bit the bad new is their there during Christmas of our 5th year, in 1995, Voldemort is back then." Harry added worriedly.

"Yes, but your forgetting one crucial thing" Hermione replied.
Everyone just looked at her like 'what are  you on about?' Kinda way.
"Their at the order of the Phoenix' head quarters, if they don't leave, like the rest of us weren't allowed to then, they should remain inside and stay safe, plus their surrounded by auros and other capable wizards and witches, there is nothing to worry about" she continued.

"She's right" Percy supported.

"But still" Ginny said "who knows what kind of dangers they could encounter in the house" she continued worriedly "the house was filled with creatures and dark magic back then"

"They'll be fine honey, Molly will look after them, and plus Teddy's there." Harry reassured her,  pulling her into a side hug. Ginny nodded.

"We should tell Kingsley that we have the information needed to get them back" Percy said, cutting to the point.

"Yes we should, we don't all need to go, just left and I should be alright, it'll attract less attention that way" Hermione stated.

"Yes" Harry replied "we'll see you later"

Percy and Hermione walked over to the fireplace grabbing a handful of floo powder, as Percy connected all Potter-Weasley house holds to the ministry of magics floo network.

"The minister of magic's office!" Hermione shouted before disappearing in green flames, followed by Percy repeating the same and they were gone. 

Dora Potter {Harry Potter Next Generation} [Time Travel]Where stories live. Discover now