Chapter 6 - White

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She crept down the hallway past the other rooms, and up the stairs, to the room that she arrived in. What she didn't realise is that she forgot to close the door behind her. She reached the door and gently tried to open it and twist the Handel but found it was locked. She looked around her, to check if she was alone, and returned her gaze in the door.
She concentrated her memory on what her parents had spoken multiple times for locked cabinets or when her father forgot his key.
"Al- ah- aloh- alohma- aloham- alohaghhhh" she dropped her arm defeated as she couldn't pronounce the word, the charm correctly.
She looked back up and concentrated on the handle and focused her mind on remembering. She started whispering "aloha- alohah-alohamor- alohamora!" She whisper shouted in joy as she pronounced it correctly and the little click of the lock opening was her clarification.
She slowly crept into the dark room with only the minimal lighting from the moon through the open curtains.
The room was as she remembered form earlier that evening, dark, musty, old and had this abandoned feeling to it.
There as an old trunk in the far corner of the room, it rattled as she wakes further into the room.
She looked around to where she was earlier and saw her blanket that she was looking for. She walked over to it clutching Albus' wand closely as she looked around her feeling slightly scared of the dark in the house during this time.
She approached the blanket and bent down to lick it up. The case rattled again and her curiously got the better of her and she turned around and approached the case that rattled more as she got closer, she held Albus' wand firmly in her right hand. She slowly reached for the lock and found it was stuck, unlocked but stuck. She pulled the flip lock with all her force, and as it opened she lost her balance and fell backwards.
Something dark and misty almost came out and looked over her as she scooted back and it'll the figure changed, into a large, round like creature that stood high over her, and hit its head on the ceiling. A Troll.
Dora shuffled along the floor to the wall and the troll stood over her, she was terrified, petrified with fear, silent tears of fear were leaking out of her eyes. The troll looked dumbly down at Dora's small frame with his long arms handling loosely at his sides one holding a huge club. Her eyes had long gone a pure white and her hair was slowly fading in colour darting at the roots, from its natural brown to a light pale brown to almost blonde, to platinum blonde, that white kind of colour with hints of brown still evident. Then a pure white, no other colour, just pure white. Dora was cowering against the wall and the troll approached her slowly and made those grunting noises. It grunted or roared loader as it swung its club around in Dora's general direction. Dora cowered further in the corner making herself as small as possible making small whimpering noises as if she was a kicked puppy.
The door was thrown open and Harry strode in with his wand confidently drawn out informs of him. Dora poked her head out from her knees and looked at Harry with admiration. Harry stood protectively in between Dora and the troll and it swiftly changed into a black flowing cloak or so it first seemed to Dora as Harry partially blocked her view, but in actual fact it was a dementor, one of the most foulest creatures that walk this Earth, creatures that glory in decay and despair, that drain leaves, hope and happiness about if the air around them, something he hoped Dora would have never gave to encounter in her life.

"RIDDIKULUS!" Harry shouted pointing his wand at the troll-now-dementor-boggart, which would surely wake someone else up. The dementor turned into smoke. "RIDDIKULUS" and the smoke turned into sparkles which fell into the open case. Harry instantly shit the top and clipped the case sit visibly relaxing.

Harry turned around locked up Albus' discarded wand, placed it by Dora's blanket and went over to her huddled form in the corner. "It's alright Dora" Harry spoke softly crouching in for the of her. "It's gone" he broached some of her pure white hair away from her face. And she nodded hesitantly.

Dora sniffed and sipped her nose with her sleeve. "I" sniff "know, um" sniff "that your not exactly my father" she hesitated "bit could you be him just for the moment" she looked at Harry hopefully and innocently with tear tracks in her cheeks and tears still fresh, in her eyes. Harry nodded and embraced Dora's small shaking form. Dora burst into tears from the fear she had experienced.
Harry picked Dora up and held her close. He picked up her blanket and Albus' wand, slowly heading to the door with Dora's head snuggly against his neck and her still shaking from crying.
Harry walked through the door to see Remus, Sirius, Molly, Arthur, Tonks and mad eye looking worried. Then they saw Dora and softened, well all but mad eye.
Tonks walked forwards to take Dora back to their room so Harry could explain what happened.

"Auntie Tonks" Dora asked once they were away from the adults. "What was that?" She asked quietly looking at Tonks' face.

"I believe that, that was a boggart Dora" Tonks relied back softly looking at the small child in her arms.

Meanwhile Harry was in front of the adults. "What. Happened!" Mad eyes said sternly.

"Well Dora snuck of, I heard her on the stairs, and followed curious to who it was at first and what they were doing. She went upstairs to a room, I think it was the one where Tonks found her when they first arrived. When I arrived she was cowering in the corner of the room with a troll, a mountain troll like the one I encountered in me first year at Hogwarts. Her hair, it was white, pure white. I stood in between her and the troll and it changed from a troll to a dementor so I knew it was a boggart. So I used riddikulus, it's trapped back in the case it was in before." Harry explained. "Her hair though, only her eyes changed before" he froze "but her hair" he mutttered in surprise.

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