Chapter 5 - The Night

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^^^ my edit of 12 Grimmauld place. Changed layout from past to Future.

Molly , or Grandma lead all the children up the stairs to the two bedrooms that we're currently safe to sleep in. One for the girls and one for the boys. In the boys room it was only Harry and Ron, with Fred and George in a different room on the floor above,

"Right who doesn't mind taking one of the couches" Molly asks everyone. "

"I don't mind, Gran, uh Mrs Weasley" Teddy said, kind of awkwardly at the end.

"I don't mind either" Moly II, replied as well.

"Okay, you two can take the couches, Fred and James can room with the twins" Molly said pointing up the stairs, while the two boys high fives and cheerfully yelled 'yeah', following the ginger twins to their room "Albus, Hugo, you two can room with Harry and Ron" She continued, the said two nodded, and looked at their fathers, but younger and followed them to the room they were staying in "There are two spare beds in the girls room" Molly said once the boys left, there were four in total and only, Ginny and Hermione currently in there. "Two of you can sleep on the spare beds and the other two can use sleeping bags." She said then looked down at Dora and sweetly said "Dora you'll have to share a bed with someone, okay?" Dora nodded and held her sister's hand and followed Hermione and Ginny. Roxy and Rose took the sleeping bags (that were from the burrow) and slept with them on the floor, while Lily and Lucy took the spare beds. Dora was going to sleep with one of her siblings, she was choosing between Lily or Albus.

"I'll go sleep with Albus, Lily there's less people there and it'll be less crowded". Dora said looking up, as she jumped off the bed Lily was sleeping in.

Lily nodded "okay, you're already in Pyjamas so that's fine, lets ask Auntie, er Hermione where the Boys room is and you can go there." The children were still hesitant to call there younger parents, Aunts and Uncles, by what they would normally call them. "Hermione, wheres the boys room? Dora's going to sleep with Al" Lily asked Hermione who was in her bed.

"It's on this level, I'll show her" Hermione nodded as they entered the girls room. "This away Dora" Hermione told Dora. As she scurried over to Hermione.

"Er, Aun- Hermione?" Dora asked shyly up to Hermione as they left the room.

"Yeah?" Hermione paused and looked down at Dora.

"Can I call you Auntie, like I do in, um my time?" Dora asked shyly.

"Sure" Hermione said cheerfully and ruffled Dora's hair.

"Heyyy" Dora giggled, her eyes turning a brighter yellow, Hermione giggled too.

"Here we are, were right next door if you need us or something, but Harry and Ron, are in this room as well so you should be fine." Hermione stated as she knocked on the door.

"One sec" came a quiet reply through the door. Then Ron opened the door.

"Hey Hermione" he said happily, he looked down. "Hey Dora" he said equally happy.

"Dora's staying with Albus as there's more room in this room then ours." Hermione said holding Dora in front of her with her hands on Dora's shoulders.

"Okay, this way Dora" he said taking Dora into the room.

"Your rooms messy, uncle Ron"
Dora laughed as she saw the room.

"It's not that messy" Ron chuckled back. "Albus, you can take the biggest bed as your sharing with Dora." Ron said as they came to the middle do the room, Albus and Hugo had on some of the boys spare pyjamas. Albus nodded and went to that bed which was slightly bigger than a normal single bed.

"Come on Dora" Al said as he walked over to the bed. Dora ran over to the bed and jumped on it, on her back before Albus could get there.

"My bed now" she said cheekily as she star-fished on the bed, taking up as much room as she could with her small body. Hugo was on the opposite side of the room in the bed next to Ron's and Harry was in the bed, closest to the door which was next to theirs.Albus stated to tickle his sister, and she squirmed under him. "Stop, ahh haha, Al stop," she managed to say, it rather beg between laughs. Albus stopped and Dora jumped up and moved allowing Albus to get in the bed. Albus placed his wand on the bedside table and slid over to the wall side leaving enough room for Dora's small body. "Night everyone!" Dora said loudly as she turned over and faced the middle do the room, lying her head down on the pillow, with her back to Albus' back.

Normally at home Dora had a few teddy bears and her blanket with her somewhere in her bed while she slept but she didn't have any of her teddy's, she remembered she did have her blanket with her, at one point. Dora tossed and turned, tying to get to sleep till about an hour later, it was well and truly dark outside with the crescent moon at its peak in the clear midnight blue sky, she decided she would just go and get her blanket herself.
Dora slowly got up out of bed and reached over to the bedside table, where Albus' wand lay. she grabbed the wand and gently took it in her hand, she silently and carefully crept towards the door, trying to avoid creaky floor boards. she froze when she accidentally stepped on a floor board that made a pretty loud creak. Her father, or Harry she wasn't sure what to call him, stirred but didn't wake. Hugo, not unlike his father was a heavy sleeper so the slight creak made no difference. Dora reached the door and slowly turned the handle looking over her shoulder to make sure everyone was still asleep, wincing slightly as the door seemingly groaned while being opened, she only made the gap between in-between the door and wall big enough for her to slide through easily without fully opening it.

Dora Potter {Harry Potter Next Generation} [Time Travel]Where stories live. Discover now