Chapter 4 - Introductions

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^^my drawing.

"Who should introduce themselves first?" Asked James quietly to Teddy from next to Fred.

"Why don't all the Weasley's go first as there are the most of them" he said quietly to the others. "Umm, well to put it simply we are your kids, or grandkids, from the future" teddy said to everyone aloud. There were a few collective gasps, and others with looks of shock or curiosity, and joy, from Molly Weasley senior.

" well, um, I'll guess il go first, my name is Fred Gabion Weasley the second, I'm 14 in Gryffindor, fourth year, a master prankster, and a beater for the Quidditch team. My parents are George and Angelina Weasley." There were a few gasps and lols towards George who had gone red.

"You stole my Girlfriend!" Fred said jokey-serious and shocked.

Once it quietened down Roxy went. "My names Roxanne Alicia Weasley, I prefer Roxy, I'm 12 and I'm a second year Hufflepuff. I am a Chaser in Quidditch, and am his sister" she said pointing at Fred II. There were a few shocked glances as she was the first, well in their time, Weasley in a different house.

"Umm, I'm Rose Monica Weasley, I'm 13 in Gryffindor, a third year. I don't play Quidditch." She paused and Fred said as a joke.

"Don't forget you top of your classes, and the entire year" rose glared at him.

"And my parents are Ron and Hermione Weasley." Ron and Hermione had both gone Weasley red. Molly squealed, as her, she had four grandchildren, and Hermione was officially part of the family. "Your turn Hugo" Rose said to her brother.

"I'm Hugo Arthur Weasley, I'm 9, almost Ten" he got interrupted.

"Hugo your ten in May, it's December." Molly II said as she chuckled. Hugo shrugged and continued. The adults and other chuckled as well.

"I'm not at Hogwarts, yet but I want to be in Gryffindor, I like Quidditch, I'm Rose's brother best friends with Dora." Ron and Hermione were still bright red.

"Who's next?" Remus Lupin asked from his spot at the table.

"I'll go, I'm Molly Ginerva Weasley, I'm in my fifth year and I'm in Gryffindor. I'm a keeper in Quidditch and I'm the daughter of Percy and Audrey Weasley" Molly was crying tears of joy and Arthur was hugging her looking shocked.

"He comes back" she kept repeating during her happy sobs.

"I'm, Lucy Megan Weasley, I'm 11, in Ravenclaw and a first year. I don't play Quidditch, and I'm Molly's sister."  She finished and everyone turned their attention, the other five, own that looked like Harry with the dark messy hair and vibrant green eyes, one that looked like Lily Evans, with brown eyes, one like James Potter, with brown eyes, a yellow eyed girl with dark brown tight curly hair and a blue haired, young adult.

"Are you lot Weasley's too?" Sirius asked jokingly to the other five.

"Kinda, like half" James said shrugging. "I'm James Sirius Potter, I'm 14, Freddie's partner in crime, a fourth year Gryffindor, seeker for the Quidditch team and current owner of the Mauraders map and the Potter invisibility cloak. These three" he said pointing  at Albus, lily and Dora, "are my siblings and He" pointing at Teddy " is our god brother. And my parents are Harry and Ginny potter" this time Ginny and Harry were Weasley red.

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