(6) Guards

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In the space of a blink, my dagger is at the speaker's throat, my eyes locked with his.

"I'm not your son," I clarify, "and I'm not feeling friendly vibes from anyone here. Now, step back."

The man takes a small step backwards, holding his hands up in mock submission. His features twist with derision.  From either side, his companions edge closer, trying to circle around me and trap me.  With my weapon is out it's a matter of honor for them to put me in my place.  No way can they let a boy best them without a fight.

"We could just take what we want," the leader suggests in a low, threatening voice. "Three of us, one of you, odds are in our favor."

"Guns versus knives too," his companion chuckles from the other side. "Boy isn't very smart." A sneer tugs at one corner of my lips. 

The odds look fine to me. The threat of their pistols is no deterrent. They'd never have time to fire off a shot.

"Care to make a better offer?" my voice drips with contempt. 

Snuggled against me, my princess remains silent as she sucks on fingers that have made their way into her mouth, but her eyes are open as she watches me.  

The speaker with the dagger turns his head to the side and spits on the ground. "What's wrong with the offer we already made, baby boy?" He tosses the knife a few times, letting it spin in the air before catching it by the handle each time. A cruel smile turns up one side of his mouth as he imagines he is intimidating me.

"I don't find it to my liking. I'd just as soon keep the horse," I shoot back, unperturbed.

I hear several sets of boots approaching and the click of weapons being drawn.  The others haven't noticed it yet. 

The leader pulls out his pistol and points it at my head. "I don't like your attitude," he tells me. "I don't think you realize the situation here."

"I realize I'm not giving you my horse," I growl.

The footsteps grow louder.  I don't know if they are friend or foe, but I'm still ready to fight.

My tormentor clicks the safety off his pistol.  To the other side of me his companion draws his gun as well.

"Put your knife away," he advises me, "before you get hurt boy."

I laugh and rage overtakes his expression.

The man I have at knife point tries to grab my wrist, only to find I've twisted his arm. I spin him around, pulling him in front of me, facing his friends. My knife is still at his throat, only now his body is a shield for me and my princess.

"Enough," booms a voice from behind my aggressors.

The ruffians are surprised to see several guards with rifles trained on them.  I'm surprised to see Max is one of them.

The Captain of the guard gives me a hard look, then motions for me to release the man in front of me. Slowly I pull my hands away, holding them up and out to the side while the man moves away from me, his hand at his neck checking for scratches and nicks.  I sheath my blade, then cross my arms over the baby. The captain surveys each of us in turn. When his gaze falls on the leader of the trio his cold expression lights with recognition. He steps forward to address him.

"Bentley, I thought I made it clear you and your friends aren't to be causing trouble in my city," he barks out.

"We're just talking to this boy about buying his horse," Bentley replies, sweeping his hand to encompass his companions. "Isn't that right friends? Just having a friendly chat?"

"There ain't no problem here, boss," the other two agree readily.

I watch quietly, waiting to see what happens next.

"We were just taking a casual stroll tonight," Bentley continues. "Saw this horse and decided to offer the boy a deal."

The Captain looks over at me. "Son, they offering you anything you have interest in?" His keen gaze tells me he already has complete understanding of what's happening here.

"They want to buy my horse, but its not for sale," my words are decisive and final.

The Captain seems surprised by my steady tone. He takes a harder look at me, eyes narrowed as he assess what he's seeing.

"Bentley, last thing you need is something else to ride," Max scoffs from behind her rifle. Several of the soldiers with her struggle to hold back snorts of mirth.

He shoots her a venomous glare, running his eyes up and down her in a dismissive once over.

Her rifle doesn't waver from where its trained at Bentley's chest, with her forefinger resting easily on the trigger. The two lock eyes with hostile glares. It seems there's some personal issue between the two that transcends this moment.

The Captain agrees with her assessment of Bentley's need for a horse. "No, he doesn't." The Captain has absorbed the interaction between Max and Bentley with interest. "Especially one that's not for sale."

Bentley's gaze shifts back to the Captain at his words. He slides his pistol back into its holster. His companions do the same with their weapons.

"There's no problem here," Bentley assures the Captain, adopting an easy tone.

"That so? Well, then Bentley, why don't you and your buddies wander off," the Captain's tone is slightly mocking, and Bentley stiffens at the words.

"You dismissing us?" he asks incredulously.

"If there's no problem, then you can go on about your business elsewhere," comes the steady reply. "Unless your lying?"

Bentley and his companions are reluctant to walk away.

"What about him?" asks the one who had my blade at his throat. He holds his arm out indicating me. "He had a knife on me. What are you going to do about that?"

"The boy isn't your business," Max points her rifle at the man. The two trade glares for several loaded seconds before the man finally looks away.

"You gonna let him get away with threatening us?" Bentley, wanting a better answer directs his inquiry to the Captain.

"Let me get this straight...The three of you found this boy a threat to you?" the Captain questions, looking from one man to the next. None of them will meet his eye. "I thought you told me when I got here there wasn't a problem. Now you want to tell me three grown men are in danger from one boy? Which story is it you want to go with? Make up your minds."

Chuckles and snickers escape from the line of soldiers. I have to remind myself not take offense at the general assumption that I pose no threat. Looks can be deceiving. They don't know what I really am.

"The boy and I have some business to finish," The Captain speaks up, cutting through the tension.

After a few more minutes of belligerent stalling, Bentley and his companions wander off. They move slowly, like they would linger close by, but the guards don't offer them a choice. They follow the trio, herding them away. Only Max remains behind with the Captain, watching me with curiosity in her dark eyes as she lowers her weapon.

My princess is becoming restless so I bounce her gently up and down. It's enough to temporarily distract her.

Once the thugs are out of sight, the Captain turns to me.

"Son, you best head on out of here before they come back this way, and find another place to do your trading."

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