Chapter 1- Introduction

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Walking through the dorm room hallways was always a blur. You can hardly think in here. There's too much going on, too many people in here all the time. This is just the girls hall way. I won’t give too much detail in to talking about the boy’s hallway. It’s a nightmare. Every time I want to visit someone I get so scared. There are guys jumping on top of each other, footballs flying from wall to wall, spit balls and straws and the worst of them all is the gym socks.

There was this one time I was visiting one of my best friends, Zayn and I went to shout out his name and my mouth was open and then I chocked on a spit ball, one of the worst experiences of my life.

The boys are monsters, they get so crazy after a day and plus most of the commotion comes from the jocks. The boys who study sport and some of them can be so cruel but I will never say that about my boyfriend Mark.

Together, Mark and I have been together for quite some time now. We’ve been together since high school. I don’t think I’ll get sick of him. Just thinking about him makes me smile.

So as I keep telling this story you'll come across me mostly talking about the slutty girls that have nothing better to do then screw around with almost every guy they see. It's basically like High school but your living in it.

Normally my day consists of hanging out with Mark and then for the other half of the day spending time with my best friend Natalie. We have known each other since year 3 of middle school. When she moved from Doncaster she came and settled in here London City.

I like this place. It's stylish and functional and there are so many people you can make friends with. It's busy but lots of fun.

My parents said I could go anywhere for college and I chose the closest one to the city. My friends happened to have chosen the same and I can't thank them enough for it every day. I have my four guy friends I met during high school. They’re such wonderful people.

Firstly there's Zayn and we’ve actually known each other since pre-school. We were best friends then and our mom’s used to hang out all the time. They still do but my parents like to travel a lot. Right now they're in Australia feeling the heat and catching some waves at the beach.

So, Second boy of the group we have Niall and this guy, he's the funniest man you'll ever meet. He's from Mullingar in Ireland and moved across to London about three years ago. He is crazy and definitely a wild joker.

Then there's Louis and boy does he like his carrots, He's very sarcastic and fairly lazy but also the charming type. I used to have a crush on him when I wasn't dating Mark. I then began to realise that he didn’t like me and he had already had a girlfriend, Eleanor.

And finally there is Liam. Liam is what you call the mature one of the group. He's so kind but I mean there all kind but Liam is different. He's what you call the father of the group, The one who never gets into trouble. He still jokes around and is totally a funny guy.

"So we'll see you later then Beth?" Niall says walking around with his guitar. Yes, he plays the guitar and is amazing at it. I play the guitar too and the piano. I learnt it at a very young age and as I grew older I have managed to fall in love with music.

"Sure thing chicken wing" I say giving him a wink and start to walk down the hall.

"Oh yeah that reminds me, let's have chicken wings tonight ok at Nandos" he says yelling down the hall.

"Done! Lock it in." I say to him and then continue walking, facing the crowd of crazy guys.

I see another friend of mine, Will, Nat's boyfriend. They’re so adorable.  He is amazing to her and they have been together for five years.

So, enough with talking about my friends, Today is a school day where we all have to go to our study classes.

Right now I have a free period so I am now on my way to my dorm room, the hectic dorm room where you can hardly walk in because the girls act like wild African animals. It's 12:30 and normally this is the time for the 'Swey army' to walk down the hall. It's strange because it's only Vicky. Vicky Tolentino, Julia Swey's Minion. She looks lost.

"Oh there you are!" she says and runs over to me. What the hell is she doing? She never talks to me. She’s such a bully.

“Who? Me? You’re talking to me? Ha! You’re crazy.” I say flipping hair off my shoulder.

"I have something very important to tell you" she says pouting her lips with an evil grin.

 "I don't have time for your bullshit Vicky, I’m sorry but I’m leaving…" I say walking past her.

 "No please! This is important" she says pulling me by the arm.

 Oh no she didn't.

I laugh, “Ha! I’m certain that this is not important. You’re probably just going to insult me and say something good about yourself like you do to everyone. I know what you do. And trust me you’re really not good at it.” I say tugging my arm away from her. She rolls her eyes and follows me along down the hallway.

“I would say something to insult you now but I’m just doing my job.” She places her hands on my shoulders and looks me straight in the eyes.

 "Oh god what is it?" I say, annoyed and wondering what she has to say.

"And let go of me" I say to her shrugging my arm out of grip.

 "It’s Mark." she says cheekily.

I look confused. "What about him?" I ask harshly.

"He wants to meet up with you now" She looks at her fake nails and grins.

“Good to know Vicky, But I’m entirely sure Mark is quite capable of telling me this himself…not you.” I say walking down the hall away from her. I hear her heals chasing after me. What does she want now?

“Look all I’m saying is that he wants to see you now.” She really is making this difficult for me.

“You know you really are a bad liar.” I open my phone up to ring Mark. “Skedaddle!” I say shooing her away. She seems so scared of me now. I laugh inside my head. What is this? 

He keeps me warm - Harry Styles fanfic(Editing/Not Complete)Where stories live. Discover now