Chapter 4 - moving on

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I wake up a little early this morning and decide that today is a new day. I walk over to my mirror and scream. Who is that zombie? Oh right it’s me. I snivel and wipe my greasy hair out of my face. I have to look nice today. If I don’t then it won’t make me happy. I apply light makeup, only the essential makeup, eye liner and mascara. Natalie says I don’t need foundation. She says I have a gift and shouldn’t ruin my face with poison. I laugh every time she tells me.

I quickly make a bolt to the cafe to grab a chai latte and then head back up to my room. "There you are!” I freeze. Who was that?

“Hey guys here she is" I here Louis from my behind. They all walk up to me with their arms crossed over their chests.

 "Where were you last night?" Liam asks.

"Oh shit, last night! I missed out on the chicken wings didn’t I?” I say scratching the back of my neck.

“Yeah, you did miss out. We saved you a seat as well.” Liam said sadly. I fake smile.

“Why didn’t you come?” Niall asked, shedding a fake tear.

“You really want to know why I didn’t come last night?” looking down at my shoes, I take a breath.

They all looked worried. “Is it personal? Beth, we don’t need to know you have your period…” Louis said out of nowhere.

“Did I say I have my period? No!” I yell. “The truth is I broke up with Mark last night, Due to him cheating on me. Now I’m not going into full details but honestly it really was a horrible night. I didn’t even eat and you guys know that’s bad.” I say letting it all out.

“What the hell? That’s crazy! You didn’t eat!” Niall gasped, Liam wacks him across the face. “Are you serious right now Niall? How could you think that right now? Beth must be completely miserable. And all your caring about is food!” The daddy is unleashed! My mind says as he scolds Niall.

“I’m so sorry to hear that Beth. Mark was an asshole anyway.” Zayn shrugs his arm around my back as we walk to my room.

“Well he is now but he wasn’t before. He was completely different.” I say shaking my head. Zayn looks mortified.

“Are you serious Beth? He treated all of us like shit and made you do everything for him. He’s always hated us.” He’s kind of right.

“Look the main thing is that…I’m moving on now. Nooo boys for  a while now.” I say smirking. He looks at me and frowns.

“But what if there’s a better guy out there? You know someone who’s always cared for you.” He says looking sympathetically.

I laugh. “Ha! No boys! I’m sticking to it. You know even if some extremely attractive guy does come along, which I doubt will happen; I just know that I’ll be tamed. Mark and I have gone through a lot, okay. It’s time I deserve a break.” Zayn then frowns and turns away. What’s his problem?

I turn down the hall and stop in my tracks. I see a tall silhouette who is super attractive. Is this kid new?

** sorry it's short again** please comment! I need feedback.

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