Chapter 3 - How to save a life

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  "What a great start to the year!" I yell in my car. This can't be happening. This is supposed to be my healthy year. This is going to affect my illness. I'm not allowed to cry and look what has happening. I feel too ashamed to even get out of my car. I rub my swollen eyes and look in to the mirror.

“UGHH!” I punch the steering wheel.

“Ouch! Ah shit.” My arms slowly make their way around the steering wheel and my head collapses on to the horn and my car makes such a loud toot.

“Shit.” I lift my head up and take one last look in the mirror. Mark was the best thing for me. And now he’s gone. My parents loved him. How am I meant to tell them about this?

I can't stop crying. This is so hard for me. I check in the mirror to see my face and my eyeliner has gone everywhere, I look like a child from the Adams family. This is one of the worst days of my life. I can't do this. I turned my IPod on and plugged my ear phones in my ears and listened to the fray. "How to save a life" I turned it up full blast and then looked back on this whole day.

I wake up and get a text from Mark saying how much he loves me. I watch Twilight, go to my English writing class, meet new people, have fun with my group, plan a Nandos dinner with Niall and then find my boyfriend sleeping with Julia. I look out the window and see that it is pouring with rain and the sun has gone down. 

I'm wearing my skinny jeans, red hoodie and my hair is out. I run out of the car and into the building, sit down in the main foyer leaning against the wall crying and listening to my music. Luckily no one is in here to watch my scene. I'm completely miserable and as the song is starting to finish, I begin to listen to the lyrics a little more, all though it doesn't relate to my situation this song still means something. 

The song is finished and I pull myself up and start walking up the steps and then the titanic song, sung by Celine Dion plays and I begin to cry even more but continue to listen to the song. I have to get some sleep otherwise I could seriously do damage to myself. Mark meant so much to me. God so help me something good must happen tomorrow. I pray.  

*** Sorry it's a little short. I've been so busy making this story hopefully work. ***

He keeps me warm - Harry Styles fanfic(Editing/Not Complete)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora