Chapter 2 - The break up.

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I’m thinking I should maybe see if Vicky is telling the truth. What if Mark does want me to see him? It’s strange though because wouldn’t he speak to me about it instead of somebody else? Ugh! I’ll call him.

**dialling ** 

“Geez these phone lines are crappy in school. The reception is shocking.” I say to myself as I lean against the wall. Sasha Jones walks by giving me a greasy look. “What’s your problem?” I ask annoyed. She scoffs and walks away rudely. Ok then…


"Pickup Marcus!"


The phone stopped ringing. “Hey this is Mark, please leave a message after beep.”

“Mark, I’m kind of confused…Vicky Tolentino says you want to see me? I’m pretty sure that’s a lie because you would of just seen me or even texted me. I’m coming anyways, see you soon. Love you.” I hang up.

I ran down the flights of stairs and outside the college doors to the car park. Oh god it’s raining. Why does have to rain all the time?

I ran to my car and revved the engine until it smoothly started moving. I drove down the streets in Vine lane to where Mark lived. His car was parked out in the driveway. It means he's home. Maybe he wants my help with his homework.

 He doesn't live in the dorm rooms at the college. You can choose to live in an apartment or a dorm. I chose a dorm but I know eventually I will move into an apartment, Just because the doctors suggested it. I will go on later about the doctors.

 I knocked twice on the front door. There was no answer. I then opened the door to see what was going on. It's all quite after a few seconds and then I here banging, Banging from across the hall. What is that? Has Mark hurt himself? I run down the hall to check. I see his phone on the couch and the missed call from me. I wonder where he could be. I here moans and then a girl. That doesn't sound good. What on earth is going on? Vicky has sent me in to a trap. Hasn’t she? I ask my conscience.

I here Mark's name being called sexually. I ran down the hall to where his room is and I swung the door fully open. It's. Oh my god. Is this a nightmare? I have found my boyfriend-- scratch that x-boyfriend having sex with Julia the worst girl you will ever meat in this school.

 This can't be happening. He would never do this to me, unless she is raping him. I don't think they know I am seeing this. It's quite disturbing seeing him do this to her and not me.  They were having sex. He then saw me. "Oh my god! Mark! How could you! Oh my god this can't be happening." and the tears ran down my face "Shit Beth! It’s not what it looks like- " I cut him off

 "You don't have to fucking say anything Mark Dylan Jackson we are done" I said and smashed his photo frame on the floor, along with everything on the shelf. I need to go. I looked once more at him, he looks completely shocked.

“How long have you two been at this? Eww Julia I can’t even look at you.” I say wiping the tears from my face.

“Only a few months sweaty, its ok I was just teaching him how to do it.” She says crawling out from underneath Mark.

“How could you Mark? Honestly. You were the best thing that happened to me. I actually hate you. I never want to speak to you again. I say running down the hallway.

“Bethany wait!” He chases after me.

“You’re full of shit Marcus.” I say smacking him across the face.

I got into the car and drove the street, barley able to see out of my own eyes from the tears. How could he? Vicky did this on purpose and Julia was there to make me jealous and  of course make Mark and I break up so she could have him. She’s always liked him. I knew it from the beginning. Well it all worked. Her plan has worked. I am at the balling state.

I see Mark chasing my car down the street. I reverse back so I’m in line with him and stop. He freezes. I stick my middle finger up to the window and place it right in his view. I then speed off into the street.

He keeps me warm - Harry Styles fanfic(Editing/Not Complete)Where stories live. Discover now