Chapter 2: knowing his name.

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Meghan's POV:
I walk back to the cash register with joy!

I couldn't believe I just held a conversation with him... Well not really a conversation, actually like a small talk.
BUT that's good enough for me!

2 hours later...

It was finally everyone's lunch break and me and Gia were talking.

"Hey meg wanna get some lunch with me?
'Gia says.

"Yea sure!
'I say walking from behind the counter.

We both walk out of Victoria secret and we go down to the food court.

On our way there we passed by foot locker, I looked through the window while passing by, and I saw my handsome king in there working behind the cash register.

He looked so HOT when he worked.

When we made it to the food court we got some pizza and we sat down at a table and ate our lunch.

"So Meg, why have you been so giddy and happy lately? You weren't like this earlier,
'Gia says.

"Oh.. Well umm... I'm not sure why I'm so happy... Umm.. I'm just in a great mood that's all!
'I answer awkwardly.

"Oh come ON Meghan! I know somethings up, just tell me!

'I say softly.

"Well I saw my crush this morning, he came in today at our job, and I wanted to talk to him so badly! So I lied about going for a pee break...
'I confessed softly.

"aww really!! He was in Victoria secret! And you didn't tell me?
'Gia says with excitement.

"Yea! And if I would have told you he was in there you probably would have embarrassed me.

"No I wouldn't, why would I do that?

"I don't know? Your GIA! You talk too much.

"Haha! I know I talk too much, but I would never embarrass you, ESPECIALLY not in front of your crush! That's just disrespect and I would never be disrespectful to my BFF.
'Gia says.

"Awww thanks!
'I say smiling.

10 minutes later...

Me and Gia were done with our lunch and had a little more time left on our break, so we walked around for a while and talked.

"So, what did you two talk about?
'Gia asks.

"Nothing really... It was just small talk.

"Ohh, well maybe when you see him again maybe you could talk to him longer.

"Ha! Yea I hope so,
'I say giggling.

Charlie's POV:
It was time for my lunch break, I wasn't really that hungry so I just went down to the food court to get a pretzel.

Meghan's POV:
Me and Gia sit down on a near by bench to rest our feet a little, Gia went on her phone while I just went into space thinking about my crush.

6 minutes later...

Suddenly I look up for some reason, and I couldn't believe who was coming MY way!

It was my gorgeous CRUSH!!!

I fix my hair a little and I fix my clothes.

"Hey your that girl from Victoria secret right?
'He says stopping.

"Umm.. Ugh.. YEA! That's me!
'I blurt out.

'He smiles at me and giggles.

Suddenly Gia stands up straight.

"hello! 'She says holding out her hand.

"Hi, I'm Charlie!
'He says shaking her hand.

'She says all giggly.

"And what's your name miss shy girl?
'He jokes to me.

"Oh.. Um! I'm Meghan,
'I say shaking his warm soft hand.

'He smiles while he shakes my hand, and I start to blush.

"So Charlie! How old are you?
'Gia blurts out of nowhere.

'He answers.

"Ooo that's cute- I MEAN cool!
'She stutters.

'I raise my eyebrow at Gia...

Did she just call my crush cute??

Charlie's POV:
Gia and Meghan seem sweet!
But Gia is a little too much for me, I like a girl who's cool and laid back like Meghan.

But I'm pretty sure Gia just called me "cute" but that doesn't matter, I get called that A LOT!
So I'm pretty much use to it.

Meghan's POV:
"So Charlie! Where you headed too?
'Gia asks.

"Oh I was going to go get a pretzel,
'He answers.

"Oh cool! I like pretzels,
'She says giggling.

"Ohh... Cool!
'Charlie says softly.

I could tell that Gia was getting on Charlie's nerves a little bit, so I barged in the conversation!

"Well we have to go back to work now before we get late,
'I tell Charlie.

"Oh ok, nice seeing you again Meghan!
'Charlie says smiling.

'I turn my head back and I smile at him, and then me and Gia walk away.

I take Gia by the arm and I lead her out of the food court.

"Can you please explain to me what the hell that WAS?
'I say.

"What are you talking about Meg?

"Don't act innocent! You know what you were doing!

"Umm.. No I don't, can you please explain?
'Gia says with confusion.

"OH MY GOSH! You were just flirting with my crush Gia!

'Gia answers with shock.


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