Chapter 33: whining and confessing.

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Gia's POV:
I arrive back home, when I get into the house beck and Cassie wasn't in the house, I looked in the backyard and they weren't there either...

I sat on the couch lonely...
I began to think what I should do?
Then I clicked in my head that I should get a job...
and that job is FOOTLOCKER😈

'I run upstairs to get my laptop, I sit back on the couch and pull up the application on the website, then I begin to fill it out.

*oh this is going to be GREAT*

Meghan's POV:
I was sitting in the passenger seat of Charlie's car with all the windows down and music blasting.

I look over at Charlie who is singing along with the music, he glances over to me and smirks.
'I turn my head out the window and blush.


When we finally get to the beach (Santa Monica beach)
Charlie pulls into a parking space on the pier.
when I get out the car I see Quinn and shay and the others pull into a parking space by us.

'Charlie gets out the car and our hands instantly meet each other's.

We wait for everyone to gather there things out there cars, and then we walk down the stairs of the pier to go down to the beach.

It was kinda busy, but I would expect that because this beach is super popular.

'I look over and see the others behind if laughing and chatting, when I look over at Vivian she seemed not so happy.

And that's when I look over and see shay and Gwen holding hands and Gwen had her head on his shoulder,
I honestly felt so sorry for Vivian... she really does have feelings for shay still😕

"I think this is a good spot!
'Charlie says snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Oh umm... yea this is a perfect spot.
'I say putting the beach bag in the sand.

Charlie begins to lay 2 towels out on the sand so we can sit down.

Suddenly Vivian comes by with pixie on her leash.
"Hey meg...
'She says softy.

"Hey... you ok?

"Yea I'm fine... can you come with me so I can take pixie for a walk?
'She asks.

"Yea sure!
'I say.

'I bend down and kiss Charlie on the lips.
"I'll be right back.
'I whisper.

Me and Vivian walk away...

Charlie's POV:
I was laying down on the towels trying to get a tan, when I suddenly hear footsteps come up by me.

I look up and see shay standing there.

"Hey dude, can I ask you a quick question?
'He says.

"Yea sure man, what's up?

"Well we're both guys and stuff.. and I thought you would understand more if I told you.


"Well do you think it's weird if I still have feelings for Vivian, even though I'm will Gwen?

"Umm... I don't know?
I honestly think that's kinda wrong because I can tell Gwen really likes you... and if you break her heart because you still like Vivian, then that's kinda messed up.
You shouldn't have broken up with her if you still loved her..

"Yea I know man... but at that time when I broke up with Vivian we were going through some things, and I was honestly getting tired of her.
But now I realize that I still love her.

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