Chapter 13: PAY BACK!

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Charlie's POV:
It was the next day, and that's means it was time for work! Which ALSO means I get to see Meghan.

I was already dressed and everything, so I grabbed my car keys and went off to work.

Gia's POV:
I was all dressed and was downstairs eating some breakfast.

Beck still wasn't here... Like always.😐
But I wasn't going to let that ruin my day with Charlie!

Once I was all finished eating I put my plate in the sink and grabbed my car keys and went to work.

Meghan's POV:
I woke up with the sun shining in my face, I sit up in my bed and I rub my eyes.
I look over and I see pixie laying on the other side of my bed.

"Good morning cutie!!
'I say rubbing her head.

I get up out of bed and go downstairs, I look back and I see pixie follow right after me.

"Good morning Meg!
'Vivian says sitting a plate of food in front of me.

'I say softly.

"How come your not dressed for work?
'She asks.

"Oh... That's because I'm not going to work today.

"How come?

"Because my boss didn't want me to come today...

"Oh my gosh Meg! What did you do this time?
'Quinn jokes.

"Haha! Nothing... It was all Gia's fault.

"Why do you say that?
'Quinn asks.

"Well I already told Vivian, but Gia keeps trying to steal Charlie away from me, and clearly Charlie doesn't even like Gia like that.
And I bet today she's going to mess with Charlie...

"Well you know I already don't like Gia! So if she wants to play dirty! I can play DIRTY!😡
'Vivian says.

"What are you talking about?
'I ask.

"I'm talking about, how about me and Quinn go to your job and mess with Gia a little bit.
'Vivian says with a evil smirk.

"But wait! Won't Gia recognize you guys?

"She won't trust me!
We'll be wearing disguises.

" While you guys are out, what am I suppose to do?

"Watch the dog!
'Quinn answers.

"Her names pixie by the way!
'I correct them.

"Aww you named her!
'Vivian says.


"See I told you you'll like her.

"Yea yea... Whatever! Just go get ready!
"I say.

'They both go upstairs to get ready while I feed pixie her breakfast.

Charlie's POV:
I make it to work, and I actually didn't sit in my car today, because I knew if I did Gia would find me.
So I walked into the mall and sat on a bench and waited till it was time for me to go to work.

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