Chapter 26: After math

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Meghan's POV:
I'm sitting on the back of the ambulance truck holding an ice pack to my head.

The paramedic said I had a small deep cut from something scratching me, which was probably Livia's cheap ass press on's.

"What time is it?
'I ask the man.

"It's 5:56 almost about to be 6:00.
'He answers.

"I need to call my umm... friend...
'I say thinking about what I wanna call Charlie.

"Sure you can use my phone.
'He says handing me his phone.

"Thank you!
'I say dialing Charlie's number.

Livia's POV:
The paramedic gave me a whole bunch of tissues to put up against my nose to stop the horrendous bleeding.
But It didn't work....

"Miss I think your going to have to go to the hospital.
'He tells me.

"NO! I can't... I have a doctors appointment tomorrow about my broken nose.

"Wait... did you just say a broken nose?
'He asks.

"Yes.. I didn't stutter.
'I say aggravated.

"Miss why would you get into a fight when you have a broken nose? You just put yourself in so much danger.
'He scolds me.

"Yes I know I'm sorry...
I was just trying to help my cousin.

"I understand.. but your nose can be damage even MORE!
I think I should just take you on to the hospital, and you can stay there over night, until you have to go to your appointment tomorrow.

'I sigh softly.

'He takes my hand and helps me onto the stretcher and straps me down.

"It will help if you lay down, it will keep the blood from coming out so much.

"Oh.. ok..
'I say laying down softy.

Gia's POV:
I can barely see the lady that was trying to talk to me and ask me questions.
I could barely even hear her too.

'I hear her echo through my head.

And then suddenly I see black...

Quinn's POV:
I look across the lawn and see one ambulance drive way with Livia inside. And then suddenly I see another pull off and speed on to the emergency room.

"Wow! Today was a crazy day!
'I say to myself.

Meghan's POV:


Are you home?

"Yea! I have been looking for you... where are you?"

I'm sitting on the back of an ambulance.

"AMBULANCE?? What for?"

I got into a fight...

"Another Meghan? Are you kidding me?"

I'm sorry Charlie, I had to help Vivian and Quinn.
Gia didn't come after me this time... she came after Vivian and Quinn. And I honestly don't know why?

"That's weird?"

Yea I know.. but I did fight her cousin again, and now she's headed back to the emergency room.
And I think Gia is too because Mack beat her up really BAD, Gia's whole face is covered in blood.

"You mean Mackenzie? The girl I met today??"

Yep! That's her.

"Wow! I didn't know she could fight like that."

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