2. Damn it

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"Dad?" An older man with a white beard starts "you better not be looking at me!"
I chuckled and shook my head.
"I'm talking to Murphy."
They all turned their head staring at the greying man
"Damn dude you don't look so great." I cringed looking him over.
"It's the apocalypse! What you do except?" Murphy grunted, not bothering to look at me.
"God sake, my damn zs!" I shouted, not bothering to get angry at my dads rudeness. Looking around I had none of my originals left only the men that I had killed. "These dicks will have to do." I sigh kicking one squirming around trying to stand.
"Murphy you have another kid?" The old dude says.
"Raine, nice ta meet ya!" I smile holding my hand out.
"Doc, and this is 10k" doc said pointing to a very tall black haired boy with blue/green eyes, he just nodded back shyly.
"I'm warren." The women, suspected leader spoke.
"This is mack and she's Addy." She was pointing towards a young couple, to whom I smiled at.
"What's with the zombies anyway?" Doc asked.
"Short story, scientists found me because they lost Murphy. Injected me, I ran and I have been looking for Mr ignorant ever since, the zs are just for company and defence." I answered.

"So you'll be staying with us?" Addy asks.
"So this badass chick just wrecked a big group of guys and can control Zs and that's your first question, man?" Doc asks Addy.
"If that's okay I guess." I nod, ignoring Doc as I was more concerned with being aloud to stay.

Warren looks at me for a moment before agreeing.

"Wait a minute, why don't you look blue? And why the hell is she aloud to come?"
"She's part of the family now and you can't say she isn't because she's your daughter!" Addy laughs. Whilst Murphy rolls his eyes.
"Im not blue because I'm guessing your fucked up genes and mums normal genes just made a perfect concoction and here I am a normal immune human." I smiled wide.

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