What are we?

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AU: No wives no kids. They still do GMM.

Rhett knew that Link had a crush on him and had for a very long time, but what no one except Rhett knew is that he really liked Link. Link hadn't been feeling well for a few days but today was the worst. Link had been laying on the couch in his office all day and Rhett was very concerned. Rhett had told the crew that he was going to take Link home and that they all could go home.

"Link, buddy?" Rhett said as he walked into Links office. Link groaned. "Link I'm taking you home."

"What? No, we have to shoot later." Link said as he tried to sit up.

"Link I told the crew to go home and just to set up a backup episode." Rhett said as he helped Link get up

"Oh, okay." Link said as he clung to Rhett clearly struggling to walk. Rhett walked him to his car drove him to his house. Rhett thought going to his house would be better because it's closer.

He helped Link to the bed, got him comfortable before sitting next to him.

"Are you warm?" Rhett asked. Link nodded so Rhett helped him get his shirt off.

"You need anything else?"

"No, but thank you for asking." Link said as he turned onto his side to sleep.

"Okay just text me if you need anything." Rhett said as he started to get up. Link stopped him.

"Stay here." Link said before moving over to Rhett could lay down. Rhett took his shirt off and climbed into bed.

Once Rhett thought Link was asleep he put his arm around him and pulled him into his chest. To his surprise Link turned onto his other side so that his face was buried in Rhett's chest.

Rhett waited fifteen minutes before pressing a light kiss into Link's hair and whispering, "I love you Link." Link smiled to himself before finally falling asleep.

Rhett woke up before Link and to his surprise they were still intertwined. Rhett looked at the clock and saw that it was time for Link to take more medicine.

"Link, buddy, wake up you gotta take more medicine." Link's beautiful blue eye's fluttered open. To Rhett's surprise he didn't try to break out of his grasp he actually got closer to Rhett, knowing Rhett wouldn't mind.

"I don't want to!"

"Link you have to."

"I don't want to." Link paused and placed a kiss on Rhett's cheek. Rhett looked at him with confusion covering his face.

"W-w-what?" Link smiled before placing a kiss on Rhett's collar bone.

"What?" Rhett asked.

"I heard what you said earlier." Link said into Rhett's chest. Rhett blushed.


"I heard what you said." Link said as he sat up fully.

Rhett sat up and moved across from him. "What?" That was all Rhett could say.

"I love you too by the way." Link said with a smile.

"Link this is the meds talking."

"Rhett I haven't taken anything today."


"I ran out yesterday, I didn't get a chance to get more."

"Oh." Rhett didn't know what to say. Link knew his secret.

"Rhett whats wrong?"

"No one was supposed to find out, especially not you." Rhett said as he looked down and away from Link.

"Rhett, don't be embarrassed." Link said as he moved closer to Rhett. Link placed two fingers under Rhett's chin, he tilted Rhett's face so that he could look him in the eyes. Link began to move closer to Rhett stopping right before connecting their lips.

"Link w-what are you doing?" Rhett whispered searching Link's eyes for any tinge of anything but pure love.

"What am I doing?" Link whispered looking down at Rhett's lips. "Kissing you." Link said before softly connecting their lips. Rhett froze knowing this was Link's first kiss so he was worried, but relaxed as Link's lips began to move. Link moved his hands to Rhett's hair and tugged on it lightly earning a quiet moan from Rhett. Rhett grabbed Link's hips and pulled him onto his lap. Rhett moved his hands to Link's hair, he tugged on it just like Link did a second ago. Link moaned before running his tongue along Rhett's bottom lip asking to deepen the kiss. Rhett began to explore every inch of Link's mouth and Link did the same. Link broke the kiss.

"Baby, you're gonna get sick now." Link said as he rested his forehead on Rhett's.

"I don't care." Rhett said before resuming the kiss. Link broke the kiss again.

"I do. As much I love this we need to stop before we get carried away." Rhett nodded as he resumed his grip on Link's waist. Link wrapped his arms around Rhett's neck. They just sat in silence looking into each others eyes. Link broke the silence with a laugh.

Rhett raised an eyebrow "What's so funny?"

"I was just thinking about what just happened. " Rhett still was looking at Link questionably. Link looked down before continuing. "I mean this morning we were just friends and now? What are we?" Link said before looking into Rhett's eyes.

"What do you want us to be?"

"Boyfriends?" Link asked with eyes full of hope.

"Boyfriends." Rhett said before placing a kiss on Links still swollen lips. Link smiled but Rhett could tell something besides being sick was wrong. "Princess, what's wrong?"

"Well um I just sorta kinda have a question."


"You obviously know that I've liked you since we were twelve and ummm, wow I never thought I would be able to ask you this." Link paused. "You know what nevermind."

"No, please ask me." Rhett said as he began to rub soothing circles into his hips.

Link looked down before continuing "Okay well um I was wondering if we could dance together." Link asked before looking back up.

"Of course Link." Rhett picked Link up and carried him to the living room where he placed him back on the ground before walking over and starting Stand By Me, he knew Link loved this song. He walked over to his boyfriend and put one hand around his waist and pulled him close, he knew Link had never dated so he placed Links hand on his shoulder before grabbing his other hand. Rhett began to sway back and forth. Rhett could tell that Link was very stiff.

"Hey," Rhett said and Link looked up at him. "Relax, okay?" Link nodded before putting his head on Rhett's chest. Link felt safe and loved in Rhett's arms. Rhett began to sing because Link still was a little stiff and he knew Link loved it when he sang.

"When the night has come, and the land is dark, and the moon is the only light we'll see. No I won't be afraid. Oh, I won't be afraid. Just as long as you stand, stand by me. So darling, darling, stand by me, oh stand by me. Oh stand, stand by me stand by me..." Rhett trailed off when he felt Link relax in his arms.

They continued to sway even after the song stopped. Neither of them wanted this moment to end. Link broke the silence. "Rhett I love you so much." Link said still swaying.

"I love you more Link." Rhett said as he pressed a kiss into Links beautiful hair that was still swept into a perfect quiff.

"I love you the most." Link said as he pressed a kiss onto Rhett's neck. They separated so that they could make dinner and enjoy it while watching NCIS. Once they were done eating they looked at the clock and it was nine o'clock. Rhett carried Link back to the bed before climbing in next to him. They shared one more kiss before falling asleep in each other's arms.


Hope you enjoyed this little story.

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