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I hope you like this because I do and I think it's hella cute.


WC: 1090



It was just a regular Wednesday at the office but Rhett was feeling a little down and he knew exactly why. Today was the day he was gonna tell Link about his feelings but at the last second he got too nervous and turned around and walked back to their office from the recording studio.  

He was going to sing a song he'd been learning and he hoped that Link would understand what he was trying to say. All he wanted was he happily ever after with his best friend and soulmate. 

Rhett sank deeper into his chair when he heard the door open. Link walked in looking a little upset. 

"Hey, Link is everything okay?" Rhett asked as he moved his chair to be close to Link.

"Yeah, just some personal stuff." Link said with a small smile.

"Okay well if you want to or need to talk I'm always here." Rhett said with a smile.

"Thanks, Rhett." Link said getting back to work. Rhett stood up and headed for the studio to practice some more. He sat in the chair in front of the soundboard. He needed to put the last few finishing touches on the background track. He needed to add the last layer of percussion and his voice. After he finished the background track he wanted to run through the song one more time. He pushed play and started to strum not knowing that Link was outside the door. Link carefully slid down the wall so he could listen to Rhett.

Rhett took a deep breath, "I got a heart, and I got a soul. Believe me, I will use them both." Link smiled knowing the song already. Link wanted to walk in but he also wanted to see what Rhett had planned. "So kiss me where I lay down. My hands pressed to your cheeks. A long way from the playground." Link smiled and started to sing along. But just as Link started to sing the next line Rhett stopped. Link got up and ran to their office. 

Rhett stood up after only a few lines and decided to ask Link to meet him on the mountains around six o'clock tonight.

He walked into their office, "Hey Link are you busy tonight?"

"Nope, why?" Link asked using all of his acting skills.

"I was wondering if you would like to go on a hike with me tonight. It's been a long time since we've gotten outside." Rhett said as he sat down.

"Yeah totally! What time?"


Link nodded, "Sounds good brother." Link smiled, he could not wait till six.


Rhett was getting ready and trying to figure out what to wear. He didn't want to seem too formal but he also wanted to look nice. He decided on a nice tee-shirt and jeans. He headed for their spot up in the mountains. He set up a stool and a pillow area for them to sit if this goes well. He put out the champagne in the ice bucket with the glasses. He looked at his watch and noticed it was almost six. He headed back down to wait for Link. 

It was only minutes until Link showed up and noticed Rhett standing outside of his car. Link smiled he knew Rhett was nervous. Link wanted to say that he heard him earlier just so they could skip to the best part. 

Once they had met up they started walking. It only took about a half hour of walking before they arrived at their spot. It was a very hidden path that ran under large branches of the tree that surrounded it.

Rhett went first and Link followed closely behind smiling at what he knew was about to happen. Once they reached the large clearing it the center of the tree. Once Link saw the stool, speaker, guitar and the nervous look on Rhett's face he knew what was going to happen.

"W-what's this Rhett?" Link asked as he sat down on the rock across from the stool.

"It's-um-j-just a little something I pulled together. He connected his phone to the speaker and sat on the stool before starting the song. 

Rhett took a deep breath, "I got a heart, and I got a soul. Believe me, I will use them both." Link smiled at the thought of hearing those same words earlier in the day. "So kiss me where I lay down. My hands pressed to your cheeks. A long way from the playground." Rhett was looking at Link and he was smiling so Rhett took that as a good sign. "I have loved you since we were 18. Long before we both thought the same thing to be loved and to be in love. All I could do is say that these arms were made for holding you. I wanna love like you made me feel when we were 18." Rhett continued to sing and look at Link who halfway through the second verse stood up and walked up to Rhett and waited until he was to the chorus. Just as Rhett started to sing it Link followed the song. He pressed his hands to Rhett's cheeks causing Rhett to stop. Link leaned in and kissed him. 

Thier lips moved together like they were always meant to touch at some point. Rhett put down his guitar and moved to the pillow pile. He moved so that they were on the ground but he never broke the kiss. Link climbed on to Rhett's lap before breaking the kiss and resting their foreheads together.

"I like you, like a lot Rhett." Link spoke still out of breath.

"I like you, like a lot to Link." Rhett said as he moved them into a laying position. 

They just stared at each other for what felt like forever before Rhett made his next move he pulled Link into his arms so he could finish the song. 

"So pour me a drink, oh, love, Let's split the night wide open and we'll see everything. We can livin' love in slow motion, motion, motion." Link smiled and moved so close that if he was any closer he would be Rhett. 

After they cuddled for a while longer they decided to head over to Rhett's house to dance and cuddle the night away.



No clue what that was.

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