Long Time No See Part 2

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Link woke up entangled with Rhett. Link turned so that his head was in Rhett's chest. Rhett let out a hum of approval before pulling Link closer.

"Oh I'm sorry Rhett, I didn't mean to wake you." Link said before placing a feather light kiss on Rhett's cheek.

"The sooner I get to see you beautiful face the better." Rhett said before sitting up and pulling Link onto his lap so that he was straddling him.

Link let out a little giggle. "You're too sweet."

"I know." Rhett said with a smirk and a fake hair flip.

"You're such an idiot." Link wanted to kiss Rhett so bad but he knew that it was too soon.

"I know, but I'm your idiot."

Link paused "That's a great point." Link moved off of Rhett's lap and over to his nightstand to grab his glasses. He climbed back onto Rhett's lap before leaning down to place a kiss on Rhett's collarbone. "Did I ever tell you that," Link sat up. "Your bed head is adorable." Link said with a laugh looking at Rhett's hair that was sticking up in every direction yet still kinda up in a quiff.

"Thanks, but yours in worse." Rhett said before ruffling Link's hair that he had kinda swept back up.

"BABE!!! STOP IT!" Link said as he dove for cover.

"Aww, you're cute when you're annoyed." Rhett said before falling on top of Link's back.

"What the, ugh get off of me."

"I'm dead."


"I can't I'm dead."

"I'll make pancakes with bacon, hash browns, coffee, french toast and yogurt parfaits."

"Hey would you look at that, I'm alive." Rhett kissed Link's cheek before letting him get up.

"Thanks babe."

They walked to the kitchen. "Link, let me cook."

"Nope, you're my guest."

"Yes but you're my boyfriend, and I always cook for my boyfriend."


"Oh, I'm sorry I just-I just thought, I'm sorry."

"Don't be." Link said with a smirk.

"I'm still sorry Link. I should have asked you before I just kinda assumed."

Link grabbed his phone. "Rhett look," Link opened Rhett's contact, he was still saved as 'Future Boyfriend. "See everything is fine." Link said before changing the contact in front of Rhett to 'Love of my Life'.

"Aw, Link!"

"Too much?"

"Definitely not too much princess." Rhett said placing a kiss on Link's temple.

"Good. Now let's cook!" Link said before turning his 50's playlist on.

They danced around the kitchen and living room. They threw flour at each other making a huge mess, but they didn't care. Rhett placed a dot of flour on Link's nose seconds before Link blew a handful of flour into Rhett's face. It took them over an hour to cook something that should only take two people a half hour.

They sat down on Link's beautiful white couch and turned on Stranger Things.

"Rhett the kitchen is one thing but this couch is another, please be careful."

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