Rhink #14

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AU: Rhett and Link are single but Link has a daughter named Lily. Still GMM and still the same age. Rhett had been staying with Link for a few days over the GMM break. Rhett was just here to help with things even though Link could have easily done it by himself. Oh and Rhett is basically Lily's second dad because he's always around.  Lily is five.

Rhett: Bi

Link: Gay

Rhett was having a hard time getting to sleep. His mind was racing due to the fact that today he fully realized that he had fallen in love with his best friend. I mean how could you not? From head to toe he was beautiful. His stunning blue eyes, his beautiful black hair that was always on point, and who could forget his stunning, and muscular torso! Rhett was snapped out of his thought's by a knock at his door. He looked at the clock and saw it was already five in the morning.

"Come in." Rhett said before sitting up and leaning against his headboard. It was Lily. "Lily honey is everything okay?" Lily nodded as she climbed onto Rhett's bed. 

"Rhett, do you love my daddy?" Lily asked.

"Well where did that question come from?"

"Well I heard you saying I love you to him and he said it to you."

"Oh Lily I love your daddy very much like a friend not like a husband or a boyfriend." Rhett said even though he did love Link as more than a friend.

"Oh." Lily said looking disappointed.

"Here," Rhett said as he got off the bed, "I have to show you something." Rhett said taking Lily's hand and walking her to the living room being careful not to wake Link. Rhett walked over to where Link kept his photo albums and picked the one full of their childhood photos. "So Lily I've known your daddy since we were your age."

"WOW! That's a long time." Lily said before scooting closer to Rhett. 

"It sure is." Rhett showed her all of the photos telling her the story behind them. Lily would giggle when they came across the pictures from the college years. She thought their hair looked funny especially when they had buzzed it off. 

Link heard laughing coming from the living room. He could hear Lily giggling he thought nothing of it considering it was six in the morning. Lily usually got up at around then. Then Link heard Rhett laugh, now he wondered what they were doing. He slowly and quietly snuck to the living room, he stood around the corner so that he could hear what they were talking about. 

"Lily can I tell you a secret?"

"A secret?" Rhett nodded and Lily nodded back.

"Okay you can't tell your daddy." That peaked Link's interest.

"I won't Rhett I promise."

"Okay well I love your daddy," Lily cut him off.

"Like a friend though."

Rhett laughed. "Yes as a friend but I love your dad as more than a friend too." Link's jaw dropped, he was head over heels in love with him.

Lily's eye's lit up, "Are you going to marry my daddy?"

"No Lily, your daddy doesn't love me as more than a friend." After he heard that he walked around the corner.

"How do you know that?" Link asked as he walked closer. As soon as Rhett heard Link's voice he jumped.

"Lily go back to your room for a little bit." Link said. Lily ran off but only around the corner.

"How much of that did you hear?" Rhett asked as a blush started to cover his face.

"That you love me and that I don't love you."

"Link I'm so sorry I'll pack my things and leave." Rhett said as he started to walk back to his room Link grabbed his arm. 

Link pulled Rhett into his body, "Rhett you're not leaving."


"Rhett, bo, I have loved you forever." Link said as he snaked his hands around Rhett's neck. Rhett moved his hands to Link's waist and pulled him as close to him as possible. Lily was jumping for joy at this point.  

Rhett looked at Link, he looked perfect. The morning light coming through the large picture window was hitting his face perfectly. His messy hair and his sleepy eyes...perfect. "Link I love you so much."

"I love you too Rhett so so so much." Link said before pulling Rhett in for a short and sweet kiss. They separated and heard a squeal from around the corner. They turned still in each other's arms and saw Lily standing there with the biggest smile on her face.

She ran over to them and hugged them. They crouched down so that they were on the floor. "Are you going to get married?" Lily asked. 

Rhett and Link looked up from the hug before Link answered the question. "Probably Lily, probably." They all separated and made breakfast before taking Lily to her summer day camp. 

Once they were home they talked about their feelings and about marriage as they cuddled on the couch

"Rhett are you serious?"


"You'd want to marry me?"

"Of course! Link I love you so much! What do you not wanna marry me?"

"No! No i-it's not that. But you know how I feel about marriage."

"Link, baby what happened to your parents is not going to happen to us! We're already an old married couple." Rhett said as he pulled Link closer. 

"O-okay." Link said before pulling Rhett into a kiss. 

Rhett started to plan the proposal in his head. 


The next six months flew by. Rhett had moved in with Link considering his house was much bigger than a one bedroom apartment. Rhett was proposing to Link today, it was their six month anniversary. Lily was very excited. Rhett had planned to take him up on the mountains at Runyon. He set up tealight candles, rose petals, fairy lights and a picnic. Rhett ran home got changed into a nice shirt and some shorts before driving Lily to a friends house and taking Link to the mountains. Once they showed up and took the short hike to where Rhett had set everything up.

"R-R-Rhett this is beautiful." Link said as tears of joy started to fall.

"Not as beautiful as you are baby." Rhett said as he pulled Link in for a kiss. Their lips moved together in perfect sync. The kiss stayed slow and romantic even when their tongue's joined in a dance. Link broke the kiss and sat down pulling Rhett with him. They ate and talked, they danced. Rhett thought the perfect moment was here. The sun was setting and it looked so romantic. Rhett texted Lily's babysitter telling them to start heading up.

"Link, honeybun, come here." Rhett said as he stood up. Link slowly stood up and moved closer to his partner.  "Link you are the greatest thig that has ever happened to me. I love you so much, more than you'll ever know-"

Link cut him off "Rhett what are you doing?"

"Link I don't know what I would do if I ever lost you and Lily so," Rhett got down on one knee and Link started to sob. "Charles Lincon Neal III will you do me the absolute honor of marrying me?" Rhett opened the box revealing the most beautiful ring. 

"Of course! YES!" Link said as he pulled Rhett into a passionate kiss. As soon as they broke apart Lily came running.

"YOU'RE GETTING MARRIED!!" She shouted as they crouched down so that they could hug her. 

"Yes we are sweetheart!" Link said while looking at Rhett.




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