Experimenting (VERY SMUTTY)

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Inspired by this post by lovelyrhink on tumblr.

ohhhh my god... virginal college randl experiment buddies and rhett laying link back on the bed and crawling over him and kissing his neck and looking deep in his eyes and saying, "don't be scared. i'm not going to hurt you." and then lovin' him so gentle and good ohhhhhh my god...

But I'm changing it, they are not in college and they're not really 'experimenting' they are home visiting and have GMM but no wives and they're both out as Bi.


Rhett had been wanting to ask Link if they could try a  relationship for a few months but his nerves always got the best of him. Rhett had been getting butterflies around Link for a while now and that confused him but he figured it was just a phase. Rhett was snapped out of his thoughts by a tap on his shoulder and turned to see a nervous Link. 

"Hey buddyroll what's up?" Rhett asked.

"We need to talk in private, like soon." Link said as he stood shaking like a leaf. 

"Okay, is everything okay Link?"

"Y-y-yeah I just n-need to ask you something."

"Okay let's go to the woods-" Rhett looked at his watch, it was one in the afternoon. "-at three."

"O-okay sounds g-good! See you then b-b-brother." Link said before running off. 

Rhett was very concerned so instead of going home he followed Link to where he was going. He saw Link run in the direction of the woods so he followed. 

"Link!" Rhett shouted once he caught up.

Link stopped and turned around. "Rhett, why are you following me?"

"Because man you seemed really upset or anxious back there and I just wanted to make sure that you're okay."

"Rhett to be completely honest I haven't been okay for about two weeks." Link said as they began to walk to the rocks by the river. 

"What's been bugging that beautiful mind of yours." Rhett said moving just a little closer to Link as they sat on the rocks. 

Link looked into Rhett's eyes before continuing. "You."

Rhett was shocked. "M-me? Why have I been on your mind?"

Link looked down at his lap "I-I-I can't tell you. I came out here to practice so i-it would come out how I wanted."

"Link, whatever you need to say," Rhett put his hand over Link's which was resting on the rock. Link looked up at him with confusion covering his face. "Just say it, I don't care if comes out perfect and no matter what you say I will not leave or be mad. Okay?" Rhett intertwined his fingers with Link's. 

Link smiled while looking at their joined hands. "O-okay... Rhett I think I like you as more than a friend and it's been driving me crazy. Like I'm not sleeping and now I'm worried you think I'm weird and I don't want to lose yo-" 

Rhett cut him off "Link shut up and please come here." Rhett put his hand on the back of Link's neck and pulled Link into a sweet and passionate yet short kiss. As soon as their lips met both men let out sighs. Thier lips fit together perfectly and moved together so nice. 

Rhett broke the kiss and they rested their foreheads together with their eyes still closed. They sat like that for only seconds before moving to the grass so they could be more comfortable. Rhett pulled Link onto his lap,  Link moved to his arms were around Rhett's torso and his head was in the crook of Rhett's neck. Rhett had his arms around Link's waist, he placed a light kiss into Link's hair. 

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