We Need To Talk...

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2. NO WIVES AU (sorry I write so many of these)

3. Inspired by the song above!! (how awesome is Dodie??)

"Rhett I love you. No that's way too formal." Link paced the length of his bedroom for what seemed like the millionth time that morning. "Rhett I like. No you don't just like him Link, you love him; ugh." Link sighed as he sat down on his bed. He was going to tell Rhett that he loved him that day.

He had learned how to play one song on the gitaur. He just couldn't figure out how he was going say the three words that could change his life, hopefully make it much better.

He looked at his phone and noticed it was already time to leave and head for the studio. Once he pulled in he saw that he was the only one in. He looked at his calendar to make sure he was supposed to be there. He noticed that daylight savings time started today.

"damn it." He said under his breath. He was an hour and a half early. He debated on whether he should go home or if he should just stay in the studio. he decided on the second option. He walked into the silent studio and headed straight for the recording studio to practice.

Little did he know that Rhett had decided to come in early. When Rhett pulled in and saw Link's car he was shocked to say the least. Why would Link not take the opportunity to sleep more than usual? He quickly shook the thought as he walked in and went to their office to start working on emails. Rhett remembered that he was in like really early and decided he should head to the recording studio to work on their new song.

Link didn't close the door all the way thinking he would be done with plenty of time to spare before anyone else got there. Rhett could hear the voice that always calmed him at the end of the hallway. He was very surprised to hear a guitar also coming from the room. He snuck down the hallway. He was disappointed when all he heard was the last line.

Link paused before starting the song over once again. Rhett's face lit up when he heard the guitar once again. Then when Link began to sing Rhett began to sway back and forth.

"What a strange being you are. God knows where I would be if you hadn't found me, sitting all alone in the dark." Rhett smiled at the thought of Link singing this to whomever it was intended for. "A dumb screenshot of youth. Watch how a cold broken teen will desperately lean on a superglued human of proof. What the hell would I be without you. Brave face talk so lightly, hide the truth." Link paused. Rhett's smile fell. Link set the guitar down and started to make his way to the door, Rhett took off and ran for their office. Link slowly walked to their office just wanting to cry. He pushed the door open and saw Rhett.

He immediately turned around and headed for the nap room that only they knew about. Rhett followed him, still keeping his distance. He waited until Link had been in there for a little before putting his ear up to the door. All Rhett could hear was Link's quiet sobs.

He debated if he should go in and comfort his friend or-. Rhett was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard Link say something.

"Damn you Rhett, damn you." Rhett was confused. Could the song be for him? No, he thought, definitely not.

Link heard a knock at the door. "If you have a question please ask Rhett, I just need a minute in here."

"Link it's me." Link freaked out when he heard Rhett reply.

"Rhett please leave. I can't talk right now."

"Link please let me in." Rhett said in a soothing tone.

Link wanted to tell Rhett everything but he was just so scared. "I-it's open." He finally said. The door slowly opened to reveal a very concerned looking Rhett. Rhett rushed over once he saw the light bouncing off of Link's very damp face.

"Link are you okay?"

Link just shook his head. "No, not really." He said just wanting Rhett to pull him into his arms. Link began to cry once a few minutes had passed.

"Oh Link come here." Rhett said as he moved so that Link's face was pressed into his shoulder. Rhett had his arms around Link's neck and Link's arms were around Rhett's torso. They both felt so safe and loved in this moment. They never wanted it to end. "Link," Rhett said into Link's hair. "Link what's wrong?"

"Nothing." Link said not moving an inch.

"Link, buddy, you know you can literally tell me anything right?" Rhett said into Link's neck sending shivers down the smaller one's spine. Link just nodded and moved his head so that he was nuzzled into Rhett's chest. "Link come here." Rhett took Link's hand and lead him to the couch so that they could be more comfortable. Rhett laid down, Link just looked him his face contorted into a confused expression.

"Rhett we're both not gonna fit."

"Hmmmm, how about the reading corner?" Rhett asked sitting up. Link just nodded and sat down in the corner. Rhett laid down and just looked at Link and opened his arms. Once again Link's face contorted into a confused expression. Rhett sat up on his elbow "Link I like you a lot so would you just get over here and cuddle with me for a little bit longer?" Link smiled before joining Rhett on the large pile of pillows and cushions, laying his head on Rhett's chest. "So Link what's wrong?" Rhett said running his fingers through Link's hair.

Link took a deep breath before continuing. "Rhett as you probably have figured out I also really like, no I love you Rhett and it's been getting progressively harder to hide it. So I just broke down today because it all got a little too much." Link said finally glad he got it off his chest.

They locked eyes after Link had finished. "Well first I love you too," Rhett paused and put his hand on Link's cheek making sure Link kept looking at him. "Second I have been wanting to do this for over ten years." Rhett leaned in placing a light kiss on Link's lips. He pulled back. Link was on cloud nine. He looked from Rhett's eye's to his lips before leaning back in. The kiss was full of passion but it wasn't fast, needy or rough, it was just them in their own little world.


Sorry for the abrupt ending!!!

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