It Means I Hate You

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Also AU so no kids or wives, still GMM.

Link had always been the smart one, he spoke five different languages and was basically a human calculator. Rhett was a science nerd but that was nothing compared to Link. Anytime Rhett had a question he asked Link and most of the time his answer matched google. 

Anyway Rhett had developed a crush on Link over the past ten years or so and he knew if he told him how he felt it could ruin their friendship forever. But he knew he needed to say the 'L' word out loud for himself. Rhett had developed a plan he was going to say 'I love you' in a different language, one that Link didn't know. He picked Romanian, he thought it would be random enough that Link wouldn't know it. 

He spent weeks learning how to say I love you and building up enough confidence to say it even though Link wouldn't understand. He planned on where he wanted to say it so that Link wouldn't suspect anything. He decided on their daily coffee run. Link usually was talking about all of the interesting documentary's he watched the night before. It was the perfect time to be like 'hey, I can say I hate you in Romanian.'. Rhett waited way longer than needed but he wanted the moment to be right, even though Link won't understand. 

Link was going on about some doc. about the languages of the world, perfect. "Hey Link speaking of the languages of the world I can speak in Romanian."


"Yep I only know one phrase but still."

"Okay, say it." 

"Te iubesc. It means I hate you." Rhett was very proud of himself, he had just said I love you and played it off like it was nothing.

"Really?" Link asked. Rhett just nodded as they got out of the car to go back into the studio.


"Hmm, I could have sworn te iubesc meant 'I love you.'" Link said walking in front of Rhett so that he blocked the door. 

"Nope it means I hate you." Rhett said moving Link out of the way and basically running to his office. Damn it! Was there a language that Link didn't know?

"Rhett?" Link asked before pushing the door open. "Listen, I've spoken Romanian fluently for over six years. I know what te iubesc means and we need to talk about it."

"Link just please leave, please I-I can't talk about this, especially not with you."

"Rhett, we need to talk."

"Link you know how long it took for me to be able to say that?" Rhett asked as he spun around in his chair. "Ten years, ten mother fucking years." Rhett said whispering the last part.

"Rhett I'm sorry." Link said as he moved to sit on the couch in Rhett's office. Rhett came and sat next to him. 

"Link, I can't talk about this anymore."

"Rhett please."

"I c-can't...I just c-can't." He said as he stood back up and walked to his desk. 

"Rhett, listen I know how you feel b-" 

Rhett cut him off "Really? You've been in love with your best friend for ten years? Your straight best friend might I add. And once you finally come up with a plan to say it out loud for the first time to someone else, it get's ruined. You know how that feels?" At this point Rhett was almost crying. 

The whole time Rhett was talking he was facing the wall so Link started to sneak up behind him. 

He wrapped his arms around Rhett's waist, Rhett jumped at the contact. He turned around to see a watery-eyed Link facing him.

 Link pulled him into a hug before whispering in his ear, "Rhett, si eu te iubesc, or I love you too." 

Tears began to fall from Rhett's eyes. Once the first one tear fell and landed on Link's neck he released him. He grabbed his hand and took him over to the couch. "Rhett, I have loved you for as long as I can remember. I was always too scared to tell you. Rhett I love you so much, so much." Link said. Once he'd finished talking he was looking at the floor. 

Rhett tilted Link's chin up using two fingers so that he could look into the eyes of the man that he loved. "si eu te iubesc." Rhett said before leaning in for a kiss. Their lips met so softly, the kiss was filled with passion and decades of hidden feelings. Their lips moved together in perfect sync. Link put his hands into Rhett's hair and Rhett pulled Link onto his lap. Link tugged on Rhett's hair a little earning a small moan. Rhett broke the kiss. "Baby, as much as I love this we're at work." He said looking around the office.

"I know." Link said before leaning back in. Rhett didn't even try to protest. They didn't even hear Stevie knock. "Hey Rhett um I wa-OH MY GOD I'M SO SORRY!" They jumped apart, Link flew off of Rhett's lap and stood up before moving over to Rhett's desk. Rhett went to find Stevie. When Rhett came back they decided instead of another makeout session they would do something they had been wanting to do forever, dance together. Rhett turned on the wedding version of Never Stop by:SafetySuit. He walked over to Link before grabbing his waist and pulling him close so that there was no space between them. Link grabbed his other hand and put his head on his chest. In that moment Rhett knew that Link was the one for him. They started to sway together. Stevie had told the crew what she saw so they all snuck up to Rhett's office when they heard the music. They door wasn't fully closed so all they had to do was nudge it and it slowly opened. Rhett saw the door open he just looked at everyone and smiled before placing a kiss into Links hair. The crew closed the door and walked away so they could have their moment. He moved his head so that his cheek was pressed aginst Link's head before closing his eyes and continuing to sway . 



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