Chapter 1

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So chalk it up to chemistry
There's some magic between you and me
Some might call it destiny
But you and I, we cracked the code

-Secret; Sam Tsui

It was different, and different wasn't new to him. Different was normal, but this time, this time it was a new different. This time, different was something he chose, different was a beginning for him, a new one. A new beginning, to meet new people, better people, to be someone he'd always wanted to be, and he was happy with that.

That's why Sugawara had a smile on his face, and for once, it felt normal.

His legs were tired, it was a chilly day and he decided to walk the distance to a popular book store/coffee shop rather than drive. He finally made his way to the glass door, and pushed it open, making his way to the back of a very long line. It was chilly of course, and it was nearing 6, it was definitely cold out, and people were in need of a warm drink.

After a short wait, he was standing at the front of the line, waiting for the barista to come back around. And when he did –

Oh my god he's really attractive I've only been here for 2 weeks why

"Hey there, you still with me?" He asks, a laugh on the edge of his tongue as he waves his hand in front of Sugawara.

"Oh- yea sorry," He replies, sheepishly.

"Don't worry about it, I'm Sawamura, nice to meet you, so what'll it be today~" He starts, stretching out the 'y' beckoning for a name.

"Sugawara, nice to meet you too, just a latte please."

"Coming right up Sugawara-san." He says firmly, turning away to make the drink. It only takes him a couple of seconds before he returns. He slides the cup over the counter, noting the warmth when Sugawara's fingers brush over his as he takes the drink. [already like calm down there me]

"So uh, why did you introduce yourself to me exactly?" Sugawara asks politely, handing over the money.

"Because your new."

Sugawara tilts his head in confusion. "Cause I'm what?"

A small chuckle escapes Daichi's lips as he responds. "I know all my customers, and my customers know me, you're a new face, and a cute one at that, I thought I'd introduce myself." He finishes with a kind smile.

Sugawara can only smirk. "So you thought you'd introduce yourself because I'm new? Or because I'm cute?"

Daichi leans forward with his arms on the counter, a smirk growing on him as well. "Hmm, would you take a little bit of both?"

Sugawara leans forward too, their faces mere inches apart now. "Nice try Sawamura, but I'll consider it, if I get to come back here tomorrow, find you behind the counter, and tell you how incredibly hot you are." He says condescendingly, leaning even closer, looking Daichi dead [deadchi -cries-] in the eyes.

Daichi lowers his voice, the sound making Sugawara shiver. "I get off at six, come then, and I'll have time to talk after." He says, his tone sounding almost sexy in Sugawara's mind. It doesn't show though; he keeps his ground in the matter.

"Good choice." He whispers back, swiftly turning away, he hears a sigh come from the barista behind him, and can't help the smile on his face.

But the moment he steps out of the store, his cheeks are burning.

Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit why did I do that I never do that I never hit on people, admittedly he went first but what the hell?!

It was definitely out of character, normally, he would never dare engage in anything remotely sounding a relationship after what he'd been through. But he was excited about it too, he had a week before he started working, so why not have a bit of fun?

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