Chapter 3

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Don't you move
Can't you stay where you are, just for now
I could be your perfect disaster
You could be my ever after

-Ever After; Marianas Trench

The rest of class was kind of horrible for Daichi. Sugawara on the other hand, it was his very first day as a teacher and he really wanted it to be a good one. All the students had taken a liking to him, he had a good vibe. The girls were definitely happy to have a young, good-looking male for a teacher. [not like he's into girls pff sry ladies]

He managed to press down the anxiety of seeing Daichi for the period. It was definitely not the worst morning.

When the bell for the next period rung, the students stood up and were together heading out the door to the next class, all but Daichi.

"Sawamura!" Sugawara called. "Could you stay behind a moment? There are a couple things I need to give you, on account of being away during orientation." Daichi told Asahi to go on ahead, and slid the door shut once everyone had left. He mentally and verbally prepared for what was about to happen.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" Sugawara half yelled.

"What are you doing here?!" Daichi yelled back.

"I asked first!"

"Don't be a baby!"

"Just answer the question!"

"Fine! I go to school here, your turn!"

"This is where I start teaching!"

After the fit, Sugawara and Daichi both were glaring at each other, each trying to calm down. It was Sugawara who broke the short silence.

"Why are you here?" he asked, more composed.

Daichi had simmered down as well, talking in a calmer manner now, knowing better than to explode like that. "I told you I'm in my third year, how can you mess that up."

"I thought you meant college! I mean look at you, you don't look like a high schooler, not with that body. The shop is 30 minutes away from the university, it's only natural I think you would go there, not a high school 50 minutes away." He replies, defensive now. He genuinely thought Daichi was in college, and being so sure of it, he brushed off the name 'Sawamura Daichi' from his class list as a massive coincidence.

"Well I'm not, I go here, I'm in my third year, and I'm captain of the volleyball team. Everything I told you is true, I swear, I guess the year part got misinterpreted." He explains with a sigh, running his hand though his short hair.

"Okay... but tell me that you're already 18." He pleads.

"No, still 17, my birthday's on New Years' Eve."

Sugawara pauses for a good 15 seconds just staring at Daichi.

"...what?" Daichi asks cautiously. Sugawara grabs his head in frustration.

"I made out with a minor. And. I'm that minors' teacher..." he mutters harshly, not wanting his own words to be true. "Daichi! You knew full well that I'm 23! You know your own age! Why in the hell... would you kiss me if you knew all that?!" He yells, not too loud, but in a very stern voice. Also extremely exasperated and confused, a bit of anger also present.

"I'm sorry! I didn't realize that you would be my teacher! Besides! Is 6 years really that much of a difference? I really like you! The kiss just kind of happened so I went along with it!" He retaliates, completely frustrated, having no idea what he should be saying right now.

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