Chapter 4

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Can't figure out exactly how we stand
Stuck in between two uncharted lands
We're sending signs like I've never seen
Changing our minds, don't know what we mean

Are we off, are we on? Is it right, is it wrong?
Is that it, is there more? Are we here? Are you sure?
Not enough, or too far? Do we know what we are?

-Grey Area; Sam Tsui

A week passed since they talked in the classroom. Back at Monday morning again, Daichi was making his way to his first period class from morning practice. There were students everywhere on school grounds going to their classes as well, though Daichi paid no attention. He was still thinking about how to talk to Sugawara properly.

The past week had been rough on both of them. Sugawara had it worse.

He was constantly fighting himself on the inside. It was so hard because he saw Daichi for at least 3 hours every day, and that certainly didn't make it easier on him. Every time he saw Daichi, he wanted to tell him that he would be with him, he wanted to kiss him and hug him and be around him, and be a normal couple with him.

But he couldn't.

He couldn't because, in society, their relationship would be abnormal. They would be ridiculed and hated on, their relationship would be forbidden and things would be legally cross for Sugawara.

He couldn't because, he couldn't trust people. He tried, and failed. Everyone had left him, and when he thought he found someone, they left him. He knew Daichi wasn't that kind of person, but that didn't make it easier for his ever-conflicted heart.

It was bad for Daichi too. He knew the societal issues with their relationship, and he didn't want to hurt Sugawara. He knew that if they started something, and if it was found out, the consequences would be far more severe for Sugawara, and he didn't want to hurt Sugawara like that for his own selfish reasons.

But at the same time...

I want to be with him

They both liked each other deeply, they haven't known each other long enough for love, but it was easily getting there. They both saw the potential love, they both knew how happy the other made them, they both wanted this.

One was trying to pursue, and the other wanted to pursue, but had too much inner conflict.

It was a disaster. And it would have continued to be a disaster, but Daichi knew better. He could tell that Sugawara was beating himself up over something, and he knew his own feelings as well. Daichi is a leader, and as one, he knew he had to talk to Sugawara, whether they end up a couple or not, they needed to talk, that was understood by both parties.

So the day went by. He wearily went through each of his classes, Asahi helping him out here and there, due to him spacing out in thought. Sugawara went on being a sensei for another day, teaching his students and showing little emotion when it came to personal issues.

Then came last period. The period where Daichi ended up in the second row of Sugawara's class. This was the one class Daichi had no trouble keeping up in. He loved this class. He sat in his seat and watched Sugawara's eyes glimmer with joy as he taught a subject to hungry minds, a subject Sugawara deeply enjoyed himself. Seeing him so happy, it made Daichi pay attention to every word he said, every diagram he drew, every sly smile he didn't know he had on when he spoke.

That's how Sugawara made it through each day. He loved teaching about something he was passionate about, it was a wonderful distraction. But he knew that Daichi would try to talk to him. He'd done so throughout the week, tried to catch him at lunch, after or before class, on his way to practice after school, even called a couple times. Sugawara had avoided him though. He didn't want to talk about it. Because he knew that if he did, only one of two things could happen;

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