Chapter 9

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Save me^^^

If I told you this was only gonna hurt

If I warned you that the fire's gonna burn
Would you walk in?
Would you let me do it first?
Do it all in the name of love
Would you let me lead you even when you're blind?
In the darkness, in the middle of the night
In the silence, when there's no one by your side
Would you call in the name of love?

-In The Name Of Love Lyrics; Martin Garrix [song was so lit for a while yo]

Neither of them went to school the next day.

Sugawara called in that morning, saying it was a personal issue.

Daichi called Ukai and told him he wasn't feeling very well, they both agreed in the thought that he should rest up for the day and come back full game the next day.

His parents were a bit harder to convince. He said the lack of sleep last night was really getting to him since it was a common thing, and after ten minutes of debating, he convinced them to go to work and let him stay home.

They didn't really do much. Sugawara tried to force himself into work, but after about five minutes, his mind would stray and he felt like crying again. Halfway through the day, he gave up and played with Shadow while watching random things on TV.

Daichi... well he didn't exactly leave his room the entire day until he absolutely required food. He sat listening to music the entire day, sometimes he felt like crying, sometimes he felt like yelling. Other times he wanted to do both. He didn't do anything.

The next day wasn't much better.

Everyone was seated in their respective spots with only a single chair left empty, it belonged to Daichi. Sugawara was just about to start reading a passage to start the lesson when the door slowly slid open.

"Oh Sawamura, I'm glad you could make it. Go ahead and take your seat, we haven't started yet." Sugawara tried as hard as he could to keep his tone flat. He had a hard-to-keep fake smile painted on, and his voice was shaky and breathy, but it passed.

"...Sensei, do you mind if we talk for a moment..." Daichi's voice was barely audible, he spoke so softly. Most of the class heard him though, and all eyes were staring holes into him. He was looking down in discomfort.

Sugawara slid the door shut behind him. "What is it..." They never met eyes.

"I... This is pathetic but I can't sit in this class for two hours right now, can you just... may I please have the chapters and assignment for the day?" He spoke quickly, trying his best to get it over with.

Sugawara's breath hitched in his throat.

He can't even sit in my class... he does hate me huh... haha, I saw this coming, why am I sad... I'm sure he'll transfer; I'll have to ask the other teachers during break about that...

"...Oh... s-sure, uhm. Read thirteen to sixteen, we're doing something with seventeen in class tomorrow though... but... never mind that- here." He finished, handing him 3 sheets from his pile.

Without a word, Daichi took the sheets and walked away. His lips were quivering, he had his eyes drooped to prevent tears forming, he could barely breathe properly.

Sugawara stood for a second, watching his back as he retreated. Then he remembered his class and turned around.

Another day.

A short brown-haired girl made her way to Sugawara's desk. "Sensei, I'm not sure if that was a good paragraph to be reading from for this question, but would this interpretation work?"

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