Chapter 5

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I've got a little confession
I don't know what I'm doing
But if you want, you can play along
Maybe I'll wake
To find that I went and blew it
But 'til I do, I'll keep going strong

-Make it up; Sam Tsui

It had been a couple weeks since they got together. It was hard in some ways, they could talk and share their feelings and have fun, but they couldn't stand too close or blush around each other, laugh too much or hold hands, kiss, hug.

It was definitely annoying to see each other every day and not be able to do those things, or do anything a couple could do in public, but at the same time, they had way too much fun with it.

They were worried about keeping their relationship intact for nothing. They knew how to keep a secret, so that much was fine as well.

The thing is though, being together, while seeing the other in class was extremely fun for both Daichi and Sugawara.

During one period, Sugawara was in the middle of explaining something during a lesson. He made the not so bad mistake of glancing toward Daichi, who winked at him in that moment, making him blank on his words, fluster, and try to keep down a blush. Daichi had extra homework that day.

Another time, it was a quiet work period. Daichi was having trouble with a question so Sugawara came over. He leaned down with his hand hoisting his upper body up by the back of Daichi's chair. He leaned close and quietly whispered the explanation to him, as to not disturb the other students. But before he left, he quickly nipped Daichi's ear, then walked away like nothing had happened. Except he left Daichi to fluster and be a mess in his seat. He had a hard time not laughing from his desk in all honesty.

So yes, even though they couldn't go on dates, or be close when they weren't alone, they still had all the fun in the world teasing each other and messing around. They had no problem showing their affection. They had a strangely wonderful start to their relationship.

Back in reality, the school was on its one-hour lunch break. Daichi had been with the team for the first part of it, but he had something to ask Sugawara.

He was strolling the hallways after seeing that he wasn't in their classroom, looking for him. His phone and book bag were left in the room so he couldn't call or text. Finally, as he turned a corner to get outside, he spotted a silver cowlick [srsly they could pick up antenna signals at this point] making its way through the crowd of students.

"Sugawara-sensei!" He called, getting Sugawara to turn to find the voice calling him. Running up to him, he also added, "I have a question for you."

They walked slowly together now, Daichi blindly following wherever Sugawara had to go. "I have no idea how this is true, but for some reason, I love it when you call me sensei, but I also kind of hate it." He starts, laughing at himself.

"How do you hate it and love it?" Daichi asked in an incredulous voice.

"I don't know, maybe I find it weirdly sexy that I'm your sensei but I want to be closer to you so I don't want any formalities... maybe??" At this point he was just confusing himself. "Don't confuse me, didn't you have a question for me?"

Daichi laughs at him before continuing. "Right, I did. So listen. I know you told me a lot about your memories with volleyball. We have a great setter right now, he's extremely talented and works amazingly with another first year, you'll get it if you see. It's just that we don't have another more experienced setter to help him. Talent goes a very long way, but it could really do him good to have someone else helping him out. The team could really use someone with experience." They got an area at the back of the school where there weren't any students, so they sat down on a ledge side by side, continuing to speak in hushed voices.

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