Hey Babes, Author Speaking

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Hey everyone.

I'm really sorry I haven't uploaded in a couple of weeks. My writers block hasn't let up and I've been really swamped with work.

Honestly you guys, I have two unit projects, a large summative, and two unit tests, along with daily quizzes/check-ins all in this week. I also have a number of assignments just laying around for me to do as they're due later and I don't want to start them yet.

As you can tell, I've got a lot on my plate. Usually I still write well into the night after I've worked simply because I love writing and I don't care how much sleep I get, but lately the writers block has been keeping me from doing it, and I'm a bit stressed.

Regardless, I will have a new chapter up soon this week, promise.


I did a one-shot type story for, again, DaiSuga, I thought I'd give you guys something rather than nothing this week. It will be up in a couple of hours.

It's called 'Sleep in my Lonely Arms Tonight.' I based it off a prompt Gabby sent me if u guys remember her. Go check it out! I'm sure you guys will love the sweet fluff. You can find it on my profile or just search it.

Again, sorry about the past couple weeks, I'll update soon my dudes.

Enjoy 'Sleep in my Lonely Arms Tonight!' See you sometime this week bitches!


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