Chapter 6

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We ride into the sunset like it's the young west
Don't mind lover, reach for the stars

We make out like bandits, dreaming of mansions
Every night you'll sleep in my arms

-Into the Sunset; Mako

Instead of going home after school ended, Sugawara did his work in his classroom. He told Daichi to keep himself free after practice, and said to come visit him in their classroom.

It was nearing 6:30, practice would be over soon.

I really hope he doesn't find it weird, what if he doesn't want to, I really want him to, it would take our relationship further, and he'd get to see more of me, if only just a bit... I really hope he says yes

He felt two sharp pokes at his sides and immediately jumped a foot in the air from his seat. "Daichi!" He breathed out, still in shock. He clutched at his chest, wanting it to calm down from the quick shock, also from nervousness due to his request.

Daichi was annoyingly laughing as he leaned back on the front of Sugawara's desk, looking down at him. "Sorry, I had to, you looked so out of it, I had to take the opportunity." He finished, a smile still lingering from his previous laughter.

"Ugh, you're the worst, remind me to find one of your weaknesses at some point, I need payback." He mumbled. It annoyed him how Daichi could make him weak through kisses, and also had the weapon of jump scares, meanwhile he had nothing. [the doors closed dw]

"You'll get one eventually, in the meantime... c'mere." He said, leaning down to meet Sugawara's lips. He felt Sugawara lay a hand on his cheek, bringing warmth to it. His touch was toxic, burning him with desire. He put a hand on Sugawara's outstretched arm, feeling his smooth skin under his rough hands. His touch had the same effect on Sugawara, as Sugawara's had on him. The skin under Daichi's hand was immediately set aflame, running warmth through his body.

Sugawara pulled away just a bit, looking him in the eye with a soft smile. Daichi pulled away then, settling back against the desk.

"I feel like it's been forever since I last kissed you... we really need more time alone." He said softly.

"I may have a way to fix that." Sugawara whispered, nervous.

"What?" Daichi replied, unsure of what he heard was right. "Suga what do you mean?" Sugawara stayed silent, mild panic set in his eyes.

What if he finds it weird?? What if he says no?

"Do you want to meet Shadow?!" He blurts out randomly, looking up at Daichi.

"Hm? Shadow? Oh, yea definitely, she seems like fun, I wanna see one of your ridiculous cat stories happen for real." Daichi replied, laughing. He paused then, taking a good look at Sugawara's eyes. Noticing something off, he reached out and held his hand, intertwining their fingers for reassurance. "Hey... is everything okay? You seem nervous about something; did something happen?" He asked tenderly, wanting Sugawara to feel safe.

Sugawara brought his eyes down now, unable to look Daichi in the eye, he really didn't want a bad answer. "Nothing happened, its just, I was thinking. Its been a little more than a month since we got together, and um, I thought that maybe you could um, come over? To my place I mean? 'Cause, you know, we could be together and spend some alone time together, and just, it would be nice to be able to kiss you and be around you without having to worry about other people... right?" He said, finally stopping his rambling, and gaining the courage to look Daichi in the eye in the process. What he found in Daichi's eyes was absolutely not was he was expecting.

Daichi's eyes were shining. He looked excited. "Were you really nervous about that? I would love to come over Suga. Thank you for inviting me!" He answered with a sweet smile.

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