What/Random Update

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"You're learning it the hard way, just like I had to," he said. "There is no such thing as love. Families are just strangers who share blood. They claim to love you unconditionally, but in the end, they always betray you the most. My mother taught me that lesson, and now you're learning it from me."
~ The Masked Man from the Land of Stories, Beyond the Kingdoms (book 4, page 34 of 419)

I have no idea why, but when I started reading that tonight, I really wanted to cry...? It really is true. My parents don't know me, and I don't know them.

Annnnnd the update part of this?

I just wrote some short crap song fanfic on my second account PetuniaFanfic today. I was bored, so I just went on and wrote it up. I had had the chapter outlines finished since the beginning of August, and I just decided to get it off of my back.

Even though like
Nobody seriously cares about the load of bull xD what I'm writing, and what I'm not, I just wanted to put that out there.

And ANOTHER update~

After I finish my Ichimatsu fanfic, Another World, I'll be working on something "big"

More like, just a type of fic I'm not used to doing...?

Anyways, that's all I'll be saying now~

I PROBABLY won't be updating anything else this week due to me feeling exhausted as heck. No, I'm not having a writing crisis. I have literally 10 chapter outlines ready for future chapters in Another World.

I'm just tired

And I feel like I should go easy on myself for once. I dunno. I just feel really upset...?

I'm just a pitiful emotional wreck this week.


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