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I was tagged by PoisonberryKiss to list 15 facts about myself!

Those are the rules, really.  Then just tag four people. Or more if you're obnoxious like I am.

You just, say whatever random crap you want to about yourself.

I should totally list my kinks.

I'm too innocent to do that.

Ehhh..here we go.
It's hard to think of what I HAVEN'T already said in a tag. -MINI SIGH ATTACK-


1. There's this certain song that hypnotizes me so well that I just fall fast asleep. It's called "Mist" and it's used in a Devimega Osomatsu san video. Last night while listening to it at 12:30 A.M., I fell asleep for an hour without knowing it, and when I woke up and saw the time (it was 1:34 A.M. I think) I just threw my iPod off of my bed and finally went to sleep.

2. Despite how obsessed I am with Japan...(people call me a weeaboo since I know the hiragana now and I'm learning how to read kanji. I DON'T KNOW MUCH AT ALL...B-BAKA...
Please remain seated while I go chug a bottle of bleach brb) I'm also very obsessed with Germany.

3. Why might I be so obsessed with Germany, you might ask? I've been learning it since around the first grade when I had these two German friends. ("friends"..? More like the two demons that visited my house each week and destroyed my room. I've had lots of experience with organizing because of them.) SADLY...they moved back to Germany :,D (yay)

4. I'm currently cuddling with a huge blanket that I crocheted last year. It's so heavy (plus it's dark purple, green, and blue all mixed together. IT'S SO PRETTY...) and it makes me think of Ichimatsu ;3; (sama...Ichimatsu sama)

5. I like fluff

6. I don't have a toe fetish, just to clear that up. I just used to take pictures of my feet when I was little (I had this huge, fat pink camera) and it kinda because a habit. Now, I just pet my toes when I'm bored. It actually feels good~

7. If I ever get a phone (OH...I kinda already have one but it doesn't work well at all) I want it to be a light pink flip phone. Flip phones are just cute to me. (Kawaii desu amiright)

8. I have an obsession with sea berries. I have this body wash that's in that particular scent (it's cheap body wash and I have no idea why I even get it cause the Dial brand of soap makes my skin feel weird) AND I LOVE IT...

9. I love hand sanitizer

10. I'm literally about to fall asleep right now and I'm not even listening to Mist

11. I like listening to the crows outside in October

12. I like dresses and I'm not that girly.

13. I hate people because half the time, something they say makes me think of...PAST EVENTS THAT I WANT TO FORGET.

14. Despite how obsessed I am with Osomatsu san, I'm also very very very obsessed with Your Lie in April

15. I'm obsessed with sad things. (How dare you call me a filthy emo. HISSSSS. I DON'T LIKE THOSE TYPES OF PEOPLE...aka my sister oh well sigh sigh sigh) SO...DOES ANYONE HAVE ANY SAD ANIME RECOMMENDATIONS?

Your Lie in April
Ano Hana
OR OR...I think that's it.

I'm not serious don't answer that question

Time to tag people


OH? I can't tag myself? Rude.

I suppose I'll tag four people whom I've chosen randomly...


Nobody has to do this~

Hisss goodbye

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