chapter 5?: Sakura. I really hate you.

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Okay. So I'm going to be lazy. And have Nakira get knocked out or something. I'm sorry. But I really don't remember much of the battle. And I honestly don't feel like re-watching it, as of I'm in a very critical point in the series. And I don't feel like going back in the series. So yes. I'm going to be lazy.


I stood in font of Tazuna in a protective stance. I held out my Kunai, and looked around. A thick mist had appeared. Zabuza and Kakashi had started to fight. Then THEY disappeared. I don't even really know where everybody is. Except for Sakura.

I started to space out. I know it's a bad thing to do.... But. I got bored. "Naruto.... Please be okay... I guess.... And for Sasuke to... I guess. Even if he is a jerk." I muttered. Sakura scoffed.

"They'll be fine. At least Sasuke will."

"That's really annoying you know."


"How you're always throwing yourself at him. He doesn't even like you. He finds you quite annoying in fact." I answered.


"Well. It's the truth. And you needed to hear it SOMETIME. Besides. Why would yo like an Emo?"

"He's not Emo! And he's awesome, and cute and....." She trailed off.

"Do you know what his favorite color is? Or his Birthday? Do you know anything else?" I questioned.

"N-n-no." Sakura stuttered.

"Exactly. No offense..... But. You two aren't right for each other. It's like making Night and Day going up at the same time!"

"That's..... That's not true!"

"Sakura, you need to face it sometime. And stop acting like a desperate slut." I snapped. Sakura looked away. But her eyes were slightly brimming with tears.

"I c-I can't." She stuttered.

I got angry then. "Stop deluding yourself! Get a grip! Meet a nice guy who actually likes you! Not chase after a guy who actually has-" I was stopped by Sakura punching me in the head. Her face twisted by anger. I blacked out.



~Couple hours later~

I woke up in a strange room. OMG HAVE I BEEN KIDNAPPED BY MIZUKI TO BE HIS SEX SLAVE! JUST LIKE NARUTO. I jumped up from the bed, spinning in circles and yelling at the top of my lungs. "Kakashi! Help me! I've been kidnapped by Mizuki!" I yelled, banging on the door.

Sasuke opened the door, and followed him. But Sasuke looked pissed. "Will you just shut up?" He growled. I shrugged.

"I'm sorry. The last thing I saw was Sakura's fist heading towards my face, I thought she sold me to

Mizuki," I whispered quietly. I'm going to be nice to everybody but Sakura.

"What did you do to her?" Naruto asked. Pushing past Sasuke and stepping into the room. I plopped back onto the bed, jumping up a little after impact.

"Welll......... It's better if you don't know..." I trailed off, and Naruto shot me a dirty look, sighed and continued. We just had a short conversation concerning her obsession with.... Sasuke. And then I got

punched in the face when I told her she had no chance. I was just being real." I shrugged. Sasuke actually looked a little grateful, while Naruto looked upset.

There, Here, and Back again. (A Naruto Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now