Love Stories

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Gushy title, I know, but it fits. I know we've all probably got Davesa deprivation - *cough* Trashtasticgirl247 *cough* - so here's a shoutout to some readers' favorite Kasterbel pairing!



Clara groaned when she once again hit the mat, Jessie smirking down at her. "Why?" she complained. "Why always that move?"

"Works every time," Jessie shrugged, clapping. "Come on. Up you go."

"Come on," Clara sighed, even as she obediently got to her feet. "Can we take a break?"

"After this one," Jessie promised. "Nice mile time, by the way. Nine twenty-five that time."

"You weren't even in here!" Clara said, surprised as she got into position. The last few times, Jessie had tried to knock her off balance while she'd been speaking.

Jessie shrugged. "Cameras." In the middle of the word, she'd taken a lightning quick jab. Only knowing that Jessie would probably try it made Clara take a step back to avoid being hit, but only by so much. Clara took a few steps to the left, Jessie rotating easily to keep them face to face. "Good," Jessie praised. "Just need to keep up reaction time."

Clara simply nodded, going in for a few punches. Jessie was quick to block them, then retaliated with her own. Clara brought her arm up to block one, using her fist to intercept another one. After the Caliburn House adventure, Jessie had started teaching her different blocking techniques, which were just as important as hitting. "You can't hit if you've been hit more than your opponent," she had said. So far, Clara had definitely been hit more than Jessie, and it was starting to take its toll on her.

And Jessie knew it. After a few more punches, Clara's reactions getting slower, she held up her hands. "All right. That's it for today."

Clara sighed in relief, smiling as she went to get her bag together. "How do you think the Major, Emma, and Hila are doing?" she couldn't help but wonder.

"Well," Jessie thought as she took a drink of water. "I imagine that Alec is still trying to adjust to such a turn of events, Emma is attempting to deal with him and adjust to a new member of the party, while said new member is probably attempting to deal with both of them and figure out how they work." She blinked. "Oh, my God, I just described us and Martha."

"What?" Clara tilted her head.

Jessie snorted. "Those crooked creatures weren't the only ones with a love story like that. The Doctor and I didn't just kiss and get together." She tilted her head. "Though, I certainly wouldn't have minded."

"How did that happen?" Clara asked hesitantly. "If you don't mind."

Jessie looked down at her water bottle. "I might need something a bit stronger for that."

Clara shrugged. "You've got a time machine. There's time."


"It was after the Battle of Canary Wharf," Jessie told Clara as she poured a sparkling drink into their glasses in the kitchen. "I suppose you don't know this, but when Time Lords die, they regenerate, become different people. They look different, they may talk different, they may behave differently. At the hearts, however, they are still the same person. With me so far?"

"I think so," Clara nodded. "I take it one of you died in the battle?"

"Me, before I was even part Time Lady," Jessie nodded. "So when I turned part Time Lady and regenerated when I was already dead, you can imagine the Doctor was a bit . . . eh . . . stunned."

"I bet," Clara nodded. "Did it end badly?"

"He took on a new companion, named Martha Jones," she said. "While we were on an adventure in Manhattan, I did something he didn't agree with. If we'd fought any more than we had, I imagine we wouldn't be where we are today. What saved our relationship was me nearly dying again and him taking quite an aggressive act of revenge and a desperate measure to save me."

"That's romantic," Clara smirked.

"It got the job done," Jessie shrugged. "And here we stand today because of it. I wouldn't change it for anything."

"No, I wouldn't, either," Clara agreed before pausing. "Hang on, you said Martha Jones?"

"Or Martha Rogers-Jones, as the news probably calls her," Jessie smirked.

Clara's jaw dropped. "You're kidding."

Jessie spent the next few minutes laughing at Clara's stupefied face. The Doctor smiled as he watched from the door, having been observing for the last few minutes.

It was good to hear Jessie laugh that much again.


GOD I MISS DAVESA SO MUCH. This would be why I am so ready to get to "The Day of the Doctor." And binge read their books again. Anyone else feeling the same?

Next up is the Cybermen duo, both of them at the same time! :D

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