Chapter 2: The travellers

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A/N: I do not own Naruto. It belongs to Masashi Kishimotto. I do own Evelyn (Sena). This is my first fanfiction so please go easy on me.

I woke up to the sound of incomprehensible murmurs. Feeling disoriented and extremely confused, I tried to open my eyes, but for some reason my eyelids wouldn't budge. Frustrated, I strained my ears to focus on the voices until they eventually became clearer.

"-who do you think she is?" A deep, masculine voice questioned curiously.

"I don't know," replied a lighter, more feminine voice. "But she seems to be harmless. Although I do wonder why she has that clan symbol-"

"-shh! She's waking up!"

Huh? How did they know?

With much difficulty and effort, my eyelids finally fluttered open. My vision blurred for a bit before adjusting to the light and finally becoming clear again. Although I almost choked on my own spit when two curious faces came into focus, hovering literally five inches from my own.

The male stranger grinned mischeiviously at me. "Hi there!"

I swear to god, my neck had never retracted so far back in my life. I screamed in alarm and rapidly sat up, bumping into both of their foreheads in the process before quickly scrambling away from the strange pair. I quickly took in the numerous trees surrounding us and the relatively green environment. It seemed that I was in a forest. I felt my face pale considerably, did they kidnap me?

"Ow, that hurt you know," complained the man, holding his forehead in pain and grimacing slightly.

His companion, a woman who looked roughly around the same age as him, winced as she rubbed her forehead as well. "Yeah, that's no way to repay us for saving your arse."

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion, they saved me? Then suddenly everything came crashing down on me as I remembered last night's events. The party. The crash. Ally dying. There's no way I could've survived that, I had lost so much blood.

As I was in my state of shock, both of them had recovered and cornered me into a tree. The man leaned down uncomfortably close to my face, making me shuffle back awkwardly from my place on the ground. "So what's your name kid?"

I debated telling them my real name, I mean after all they did save me but they were still complete strangers. I decided it was okay; however when I opened my mouth to speak, another name came out of my mouth.

"Sena Hatake."

My eyebrows furrowed, but I went along with it.

Both of their eyes widened considerably and their mouths gaped open. But as they recovered from their shock, they started shooting rapid fire questions at me.

"Seriously? Your last name is really Hatake-"

"-I thought that clan was extinct! But wait isn't there someone else-"

"-Hatake Kakashi of Konoha! The copy ninja; do you know him?-"

"-I think he's ranked high in the bingo book-"

My brain attempted to process the new information but it was too overwhelming. I finally snapped, for their banter was starting to give me a migraine.

"Shut up!" I yelled, banging my fist against the ground.

They both immediately went silent.

I let out a breath, trying to calm myself down. "Now," I started. "Can you tell me the fastest route to the nearest populated area?"

They both exchanged knowing glances with each other before facing me.

"Konoha." The woman stated obviously.

"Um, excuse me?" The hell is Konowa?

"Konoha," the man repeated. "The nearest village is called Konoha."


"Okay," I drawled, struggling to process the information. "Could you take me there?"

The woman smiled apologetically at me, "Sorry Sena, no can do. We're travellers on a very tight schedule. I'm afraid you'll have to find your own way."

"But if you keep walking east you'll find it," the man offered helpfully. They both started walking away before he suddenly turned back to me, smirking knowingly. "Oh and if I were you I wouldn't tell anyone your last name."

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "Wait-"

"Bye!" They chorused with a closed eye smile, before disappearing in a cloud of smoke.

I coughed and waved the smoke out of my face. I growled in annoyance, how dare they leave me here. And how the hell did they just disappear like that?

So now I was all alone in the woods, with no food, no water, no phone and no sense of direction.


And on that happy note I set out walking towards Konoha. Or wherever the hell east was.


A/N: Ooooh it looks like our dear copy ninja isn't the only Hatake around!

Word Count: 674

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