Chapter 8: Teams

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The next morning, everyone was surprised. Surprised because not only was Naruto in the room, but also sported a forehead protector.

"Why are you here, Naruto? This is only for graduates," A boy with pineapple shaped hair stated.

Naruto huffed, "Do you need to get your eyes checked Shikamaru? You see this," he gestured to his forehead protector, "It's a forehead protector."

Shikamaru eyed him lazily before sitting back down, probably to take a nap. I've noticed that guy sleeps a lot.

Everyone soon quieted down once Iruka entered the room. "Congratulations to everyone here for graduating, I will now be announcing the teams."

A series of hushed murmurs resonated through the classroom, and Iruka waited patiently for the class to quiet down once more. He raised an arm to scratch the back of his head and his sleeve shifted up, revealing the outline of a bloodstained bandage. I narrowed my eyes and took in the rest of his appearance more closely, he looked a little scuffed up and his expression was tired and weary beneath his smile. Just what happened last night? I shook it off as he started to announce the teams.

"Team one..."

I tuned him out, not hearing any familiar names. When suddenly I felt a  prickling sensation, and the hairs stood up on the back of my neck. It felt as if... Someone was watching me. I looked around uneasily and stopped at the spot I though it was coming from. When I saw that there was nothing there, I turned back around but kept my guard up. I was still new to the whole ninja concept, who know what could happen?


The jonin surrounding the Hokage's crystal ball gasped. Even the Hokage rose an eyebrow.

"How did she know?" Kurenai asked, wide eyed.

The Hokage just shook his head, "I have a feeling this one will be interesting."

The jonin agreed.

Hm... Kakashi thought, I wonder what exactly this girl is capable of. It would be interesting to have her on my team.

Little did he know, all of the jonin were thinking the exact same thing.

~Back to Sena~

"Team seven:" I tuned back in.

"Sakura Haruno, Naruto Uzumaki-"

Sakura slumped down in her seat, a gloomy expression on her face, while Naruto jumped for joy.

I don't know, I wouldn't mind Naruto but Sakura... Let's just say I've had bad experiences in the past with fangirls.

"-Sasuke Uchiha-"

Sakura cheered while Naruto slumped down, now the one that was gloomy.

You know what, never mind, any team with that duck bastard is a team I want to avoid being on. I can't stand-

"-and Sena."

I banged my head on the table. I literally face-desked so hard, I earned myself some weird looks. I let out a muffled groan that earned me even more weird looks, but I honestly couldn't care less at the moment.

Why? I thought, Why did I have to be stuck with the emotional baggage group?

-Timeskip cause I honestly don't know what to write anymore-

Two hours.

We've now been officially waiting for two hours.

Who the hell is ever two hours late? I didn't think it was actually possible, but our sensei proved us wrong.

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