Chapter 14: Zabuza, the demon of the mist... And another child abuser

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Who's the creepy cow dude?

That's Zabuza, the demon of the hidden mist, I heard a familiar voice in my head say, and I jumped in surprise.

Rin, you nearly gave me a heart attack!

I heard Rin giggle softly, Aha, sorry. And be careful, your lips are moving.

I looked around in panic to see if anyone has seen me moving my lips, but everyone was too focused on the matter at hand; Zabuza. Except for Zabuza himself, who was staring at me quite intently.

I slowly crept behind Sasuke, trying to hide myself from view.

"What are you doing?" He hissed at me.

I cowered behind him, pointing shakily at Zabuza, "He doesn't look very friendly."

Sasuke rolled his eyes and pushed me out from behind him, I stumbled at bit before regaining my balance and glaring slightly at Sasuke.

I felt a mysterious prickling sensation on the back of my neck, and turned around to find the source. My eyes landed on Sakura, who was glaring daggers at me. I sweatdropped and turned back around.

Aha... That must be why.

"Who is he sensei?" Naruto questioned Kakashi.

"That's Zabuza Momochi. The ex-leader of the Hidden mist assassination unit. He's a master at silent kill."

Yeah! This time I get to prove myself, Naruto thought to himself as he charged. He was immediately held back by Kakashi, who harshly shoved him back.

"Naruto, this one is not like the others," he spoke, never taking his eyes off Zabuza.

"What do mean?" Naruto questioned, anxious to prove himself.

"He's known as the demon of the hidden mist. He's a dangerous opponent, I'm going to have to use this," Kakashi raised a hand to his headband and lifted it up. When he opened his other right eye (that was previously covered), I gasped.

Um, Rin? Mind telling me why Kakashi has a red eye?!

No literally, if you think I'm talking about pink eye or something, you're sadly mistaken. Kakashi's right eye was red, contrasting greatly with his left onyx one. As I looked more closely, I could make out a black design, which consisted of a black wheel with three spikes.

That's a sharingan, it's one of the three powerful dojutsu in the ninja world. The sharingan has the power to create powerful illusions called genjutsu to use against their opponents. The Uchiha clan is the clan where the sharingan originates, though your sensei probably had his transplanted, Rin explained intellectually.

I blinked.

Rin sighed, basically, the sharingan can create illusions to trick their opponents.

Ohhhh, okay thanks Rin, I said cheekily.

Wait... Uchiha? Isn't that Sasuke's last name?

I gulped, and here I was deliberately pissing a guy off that could easily take me down in the blink of an eye. Literally.

Do not worry, Sasuke's sharingan has not yet developed.

Oh, well that's a relief; at least I could still call him duck bastard.

I looked around to see Kakashi pulling out some kunai. I sweatdropped as I realized I missed out a large part of the conversation. Ah, whatever, probably wasn't important.

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