Chapter 18: Control your emotions, young grasshoper

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Trees are now officially my most disliked object on earth.

That and the ground that kept giving me bruises.

I glared angrily at my feet.

Stupid feet. Can't stick to the stupid tree. Can't even walk without making me bump into at least two things daily.

"You done murdering the tree?" Sasuke's cool voice snapped me out of my stupor.

"Shut it duck ass," I replied angrily, shifting my glare onto him, "I'm too tired to deal with your shit today."

Control your emotions, I heard Rin whisper in my head.

I purses my lips angrily to keep from yelling out loud.

Well, have you got any tips genius? I replied sarcastically.

I heard Rin sigh in my head. You're getting tired. Here, I'll lend you some chakra.

The familiar cooling sensation travelled throughout my body, filling me with a strange feeling of power.

My eyes softened, Thanks Rin.

You're welcome, she replied, now try to imagine two balls of ice forming at the soles of your feet. Imagine the balls of ice rooting into the tree, and the roots growing and extending into tree.

I closed my eyes, and concentrated. I imagined two fairly large balls of ice forming at my feet. I then placed one foot onto the tree and envisioned the ice rooting into the tree, holding me up.

I placed my other foot onto the tree and envisioned the same thing. When my feet didn't detach from the tree, a smile crossed my face. Instantly my feet slackened a bit.

Careful, Rin warned, Don't loose focus. Just concentrate on putting one foot in front of the other.

I cautiously took a step forward, then another, and another.

About fifteen seconds had passed when I heard Rin's voice in my head again.

Be careful, you've reached the top of the tree. Try to rest onto a branch or something.

I slowly opened my eyes, not daring to look down as I spotted a nearby branch and walked onto it. When I was finally settled onto the branch, I looked down to see how far I'd gotten up.

Big mistake. My head suddenly felt dizzy and my mouth went dry.

Remind me again why I chose such a high tree.

My heart seemed to got into overdrive as I stared at tiny figures of Naruto and Sasuke down below... Way, way down below. My hands were sweaty as I fumbled with the kunai, shakily slitting a line across the bark.

Don't look down, just don't look down...

I heard Rin sigh in exasperation in my head. I forgot about your fear of heights.

I took a sharp intake of breath as I closed my eyes, "It's not heights! It's just... Falling," I whispered shakily.

Rin shrugged, Same difference.

"Shut up," I snapped, "Besides, can't you just create ice stairs or something?"

Yeah, but you should really overcome your fear right now.

My fingers trembled as I squeezed my eyes shut.

I can't do this...

Yes you can, Rin argued.

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