Chapter 12: En route

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The voyage was decent. For the first two seconds.

Immediately after we left Naruto started to whoop and holler right in my ear, which by the way was greatly unnerving.

"I'm a traveller!" He cheered , "This is going to be awesome! Believe it!"

I growled and held my ear, giving Naruto a death stare while slowly unsheathing my katana. He immediately stopped cheering and gulped, turning pale.

Apparently Sakura was annoyed too because she looked at Naruto weirdly, "Why are you so exited to leave the village?" She questioned.

"It's my first time being out of the village," Naruto replied excitedly, looking around in wonder.

"Am I really supposed to trust my life to this runt? He's a joke!" Tazuna exclaimed, pointing at Naruto in extreme doubt.

Naruto immediately stopped celebrating and froze at Tazuna's words.

"Don't worry, he's with me. And I'm a jonin," Kakashi reassured Tazuna.

Naruto shook in anger and crossed his arms, turning around to point at Tazuna. "Hey! Never insult a ninja it's a big mistake! And I'm one of the greatest ninja ever! Someday I'm going to be a Hokage and you'll look up to me! My name is Naruto Uzumaki, remember it!" He finished.

Tazuna snorted, "The day you become Hokage is the day I sprout wings and fly."


He didn't get to finish that sentence because I bonked him on the head, making him face plant into the dirt.

"Naruto..." I whispered dangerously and he looked up, gulping, "SHUT UP!" I yelled right in his ear.

"Gah!" He cried and jumped away, holding his ear in pain.

I leaned back and closed my eyes, zoning the rest of their conversation out and thinking over the recent events as we started to walk. The necklace... Kakashi had told me it was the Hatake clan symbol, which proves that I am in fact a Hatake.

I really need to be more careful with these things... I thought as I subconsciously moved my hand to pull at my collar, covering my necklace entirely. I had originally thought of taking it off, but I couldn't. The necklace was the only thing that was a reminder of my life back on Earth. My life with no ninjas, where the majority of the population didn't know how to perfectly weild a kunai or katana. My life where my mom was all alone...

I unsheathed my katana, and my darker reflection stared right back at me. I had named my katana 'Kokuryu' meaning black dragon. Representing the dark colour of the blade and the embroidered dragon.

"Sena," I heard my name being called.

I looked at Kakashi in questioning, and gulped seeing the serious look on his face. I hesitantly approached him.

"Yes?" I asked worriedly, afraid of his response.

"Why did you have the Hatake clan symbol necklace?" He asked in a suspicious tone.

My palms started to get sweaty, "I have no idea what you're talking about."

You idiot, he's a jonin. No way will he fall for a petty lie like that, my inner conscious scolded me.

Kakashi stared me down for a few seconds, making me feel extremely uncomfortable. "What is your last name, Sena," he demanded.

My eyes widened, keep it together Sena. "I told you, I don't have one," I gulped subtly.

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