Chapter 3: I meet two Olympic runners

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A/N: I do not own Naruto. It belongs to Masashi Kishimotto. I do own Evelyn (Sena). This is my first fanfiction so please go easy on me.

It is official, I have no sense of direction. Well, who could blame me? I was walking in a forest; every single tree looked exactly the same.

"Head east, I'm sure you'll find it," I mocked in a high pitch voice. "Yeah? Well it seems that you you forgot to tell me how far it was!"

I've been walking for six hours. SIX DAMN HOURS. It felt as if I were walking in circles...which I probably was.

"Stupid travellers. Stupid forest. Stupid car crash. I HATE MY LIFE!" I screamed manically, repeatedly kicking a tree. Well, it's safe to say that wasn't one of my most brilliant ideas.

I was now walking again; well more like limping. It seems I may have sprained my ankle or something from kicking the tree. Brilliant.

I let out a frustrated string of curses that would've earned me a soap in the mouth from my mom. The travellers were probably laughing their asses off right now. Just they wait until I-

Voices nearby made me stop in my tracks. I quickly hid behind a bush and peeked through a crack in the branches. Two men eventually came into view. One had a black bowl cut while the other seemed to have gravity defying grey hair and a mask covering his face.

"I challenge you my youthful rival to a youthful race around the village!" Bowl cut guy exclaimed, smiling wide and flashing a pose. His teeth were so white they temporarily blinded me. Um, what the hell?

His companion only sighed, ignoring him.

Bowl cut guy hunched over, depressed as tears streamed down his face. "Kakashi-"

At that moment fate decided to be a bitch and as I shifted my weight slightly, a twig snapped. I cursed softly.

Both of their heads snapped towards my hiding spot. They both exchanged glances and pulled out small knives, approaching my hiding spot.

Who the hell carries knives on them at all times? Apparently these guys.

As they came closer my palms began to get sweaty. What should I do?

They both stopped a foot from my hiding spot. Bowl cut guy turned towards his companion, "It seems that it was just a figment of our imagination," he said seriously.

Mask guy nodded, "I guess so."

They both turned away and I let out a silent sigh of relief.

Suddenly I was yanked up from my hiding place and found myself approximately five inches from Bowl cut guy's face. He grinned at me, "Hello youthful blossom!"

"Gah!" I screamed, punching his face. He immediately let go and flew into a nearby tree, landing with a small 'oomph'. Though, he quickly sat up as tears streamed down his face, "So youthful!"

This dude was really creeping me out.

And what is up with those eyebrows?

Mask guy only raised an eyebrow at me while I stared in shock. When did I become so strong?

I turned to Mask guy and eyed his hair, "Um, if you don't mind me asking, why is your hair grey?"

He only raised an eyebrow at me, "Speak for yourself."

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion as I looked down to my black locks. Except they weren't black anymore. They were in fact, grey.


The Masked man only raised his eyebrow higher, if that was even possible. He cleared his throat, "Uh you're going to have to come with us since your trespassing on our village territory."

Sweat rolled down my face as I laughed nervously. "W-Well you know, I've got this thing to do, and this other thing so- gotta go, bye!"

And with that I took off as fast as I could. Turns out these guys were Olympic runners or something, because five seconds later mask man had already caught up to me, blocking my path. "We are taking you to Konoha," he ordered sternly.

My eyes widened as I laughed sarcastically. "K-Konoha?" I could feel my vision getting blurry. "Well why didn't you say so in the first place?"

And with that I passed out from exhaustion.


A/N: Well she met Kakashi and Gai *shivers*... And then passed out like a boss.

Word count: 654

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