When He Ignores You

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"Don't cry! Craft!"

Dan: When he ignores you, he makes it a point - the point of a knife that he slowly pushes into your heart and twists each time you try to say something, and he doesn't respond with his voice, but with an eyeroll. It especially hurt when you would be trying to apologize or explain why you did what made him go silent on you. But thanks to his secretly enormous heart and the empathy that filled it, he would never stay silent before the exchange of 'I love you's and 'goodnight's at bedtime and always returned them and with a kiss, as he knew his time with you and on earth is never guaranteed.

Phil: When he ignores you, it's a game. He feels horrible purposely ignoring you to make you feel alone and temporarily unwanted, but talking would only lead to more arguing. So each time you speak to him, just begging him to cave by asking him questions, he would get up and go into another room. But of course, you would follow him, and you would keep following him until his walking into another room turned into striding. And striding turned into speed-walking. And speed-walking would turn into sprinting with Phil trying not to burst into laughter at the new game of tag but ultimately failing when you caught each other with an embrace and exchanged apologies and kisses.

A/N: This was so cute, awww. :')

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