Pet Names and When

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"Did that apple just give you an orgasm?"

Dan: Dan isn't terribly openly affectionate, but when he is, it's all the more endearing. The same sentiments goes for his use of pet names for you. He'd slip in a "babe" if an article or a "my" came before it just to refer to you to everyone else.

It would usually be a joking, "Gotta pick up my babe before dinner," or a commonly stated "I'm taking the babe to the gala," the context usually light-hearted and less romantic.

Though if he were serious about his intentions of expressing how much he adores you, he would call you an angel, especially when he was describing you to someone that wasn't quite as lucky as he was to know you.

Phil: Phil had a very healthy relationship with your first name. He would most often call you by your first name. Rarely he would ever call you something other than your name or his girlfriend.

However, both you, Phil, and everyone else in your friend knew that when it came down to him or you being nervous or upset, his two favorite pet names would fly randomly.

The first would be "love," and as stereotypically British it sounded, it would end every other sentence with it if you were nervous. He'd say, "I've got the door, love." The other was "sweetheart," and "Don't worry, sweetheart. It'll be alright," usually followed by a kiss to the temple was the kind of thing he'd say when he used it. And it wasn't annoying or overly affectionate. It was like a gentle slip of the tongue and a subtle reminder that he was there for you.

A/N: V short pref i am sorry dan and phil keep updating so then I have to wtf is going on with them not that i am complaining but wow anyways more soon tonight

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