With Your Daughter

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"My ass just clenched."

A/N: I know this is a weird-ish (and short) one but I didn't want to make a family one quite yet x

Dan: Dan knew he was utter putty in your daughter's hands. Though he hadn't been nearly close to ready to fill in the shoes of her absent father, he didn't mind being present in her life. She was not old enough to realize, but Dan certainly was and knew every impression he made on her was critical in guiding her future outlook on men, and he took that to heart.

He was loving yet restrained, not wanting to wedge himself too far into a family in which he did not previously belong. But that didn't mean that you wouldn't look over at the two of them and catch Dan leaning forward to peer into her glee-filled eyes and poke her tummy to make her giggle, his expression soon mirroring hers. He'd then look up at you, seemingly marveling at you and your ability to create something so pure and sweet.

"She's so adorable," he'd both chuckle and croon with that smile of his then look back at your daughter, timidly reaching to smooth her hair from her face. "She looks just like you. It's so weird."

As if to compare, Dan studied the little girl's featured again then pressed his fingertip into her stomach once more. Though this time, it didn't warrant her typical giggle reaction. Your daughter lunged forward to catch his finger (causing a bit of a heart attack as she hadn't taken her first steps yet). Luckily, she landed safely against Dan's chest and in his lap, her face buried in and her little fists clinging to his black shirt.

"Whoops!" He said with the kind of nervous laugh he'd have in social situations, but in no time, his body eased and returned the affection to the bright-eyed little infant he'd begun to adore so much.

Phil: Phil was a very enthusiastic dad to the child he hadn't even fathered. Most men put in his situation, dating then finding out about a child from a previous relationship, would have turned and ran from the enormous amount of responsibility. But Phil was over the moon, perhaps prepared to clap his hands and jump up and down.

Phil already knew he loved you endlessly, so being able to love a littler you and and provide what was missing in a child's life all the same was an honor. This joy caused him to be very front and center with your daughter from the very beginning, forming a new father-daughter bond that even you couldn't help somewhat envying. And she was only the ripe age of half a year.

"Say dad-da," Phil would direct your child slowly as he held the small rubber spoonful of mashed peas in front of her face. "C'mon, you can do it!"

Though she loved Phil already so heavily, all to the point of crying when he would leave her crib, she still failed to put her love energy into her mouth so she could form real words. She would kick and wriggle instead, desperate for the spoon but only a jumble of sounds would leave her lips.

"Aww," Phil would pout, feeding her the mashed peas anyway. "Maybe she doesn't like calling me dad yet," he said, turning to you now.

"Phil, she's six months old," you gently reminded him.

A sheepish look took over his features before he smiled at you. "You're right." As he turned back to face your daughter, he reached and stroked her cheek with the curve of his thumb, his eyes full of adoration. "It's okay. Whenever you start talking, you can call me Phil. Or dadda. Or whatever you want. But I'll still call you my little baby girl," he murmured, lifting her out of her high chair and holding her close, treating her as such.

A/N: Dan and Phil keep posting new vids are those guys even really dan and phil who are they and what have they done with our procrastinators?

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