When He's Sick

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"It's okay to be strange; normalness leads to sadness."

Dan: Dan wasn't a fan of going about the day shirtless as if he were some Taylor Lautner stunt double. He was already somewhat self conscious about the fact he didn't have rippling muscles - let alone - the ability to jog up the apartment stairs. But today, he was suffering from a high fever that left his entire chest and legs exposed and his skin flaming to the touch.

Whenever he was sick, Dan was considerate enough to put himself on lockdown, not allowing you to share the bed or even the room with him. It was an entirely sweet gesture as was his concern about you catching his sickness, but it also left you worried because you wanted to see him healing more than you could ever want to see him fatigued and drowsy.

You slowly entered the bedroom, trying your best not to wake him from his sleep, though you doubted you could with the Robitussin you administered to him earlier. Though it proved itself possible when you approached the bed then placed your hand over his bare chest to take his temperature. His eyes slowly opened then looked upon you, glazed over with a pharmaceutical high and sickness. You felt so bad for this not-so-sarcastic, helpless Dan, even if it was just a fever. "How do you feel, babe?" you asked right away.

He shifted his sprawled position on the bed and inhaled deeply, speaking with a cracked voice after. "I feel a lot better... I think my itchy throat is gone."

"That's good," you smiled and skimmed your fingers across his chest. "One step closer to being able to kiss and hold you again."

"Ugh," he groaned, the noise sounding funny because of his blocked airway. "Fuck, that sounds so good and I am craving it so much. Kinda like how someone craves hot soup when they're sick, y'know?" he tried his best to explain.

You both chuckled and you fought the urge to kiss him right then. "Wow," you giggled. "I'm some hot soup. That's quite a compliment."

"It is. You're really hot soup," he laughed but began a coughing fit soon after. You briefly distanced yourself before he finally cleared his throat then smiled at you shyly, but with gratitude. "Thanks for nursing me back to health."

"Well, I kind of need to have my kisses and hugs back," you said.

Dan laughed once more then took your hand from the center of his chest and placed it to his lips, kissing it softly before holding it. "You can have that kiss," he grinned. "And these."

You couldn't help laughing when he handed you the bottle of hand sanitizer and Lysol that he had begun keeping beside his bed.

Phil: As cuddly of a partner he was and as adorable, too, holding Phil as he lay in your arms sick and needy was almost as easy to resist as not stacking a plate with food at a buffet whilst you starved. You couldn't stop yourself. Sure, he was coughing and sneezing into the air which you would immediately breathe in, but he needed you so much, and you would undoubtedly be there for him.

"You know you're gonna get sick, right?" he asked with caution as if to warn you before he ultimately decided to get comfortable in the current position. Despite his six foot, two inch build, he was your little spoon today. You held him close, his head resting on one bicep as the other curled around his broad shoulder affectionately. His head rested with ease against your chest as you tangled your other limbs around him to cover him as best you could.

"I'm okay with that. I could use a break from work," you admitted, stroking his fringe away from his forehead. Usually, it would cause an immediate protest where he would move his head away and try to fix the wild gaps. But Phil just decided to revel in it with his eyelids close to drooping.

"I'm not! I'm gonna feel so bad when you're basically comatose from all the medication and all clammy because you're getting a fever!" he whined. The nasal trouble made his voice significantly deeper and his sore throat was clearly audible from the cracks in his voice.

"Shhh... It's okay. I'll be okay. All you have to do is let me curl up in your lap when I'm sick, and I won't be mad."

"You won't?" He peeked one like a child, and you could feel his fingers squeezing you slightly.

"I won't," you laughed. "I could never be mad at you, Philip. You're too cute."

He honestly was. Any other human being, family included, could never be within ten feet of you if they had a cold. But Phil was always so sweet, and endearing, and dependent that you could never fathom abandoning him or leaving his side when he was this clingy and inactive.

"Do you think I'm cute even when I sound like Darth Vader?" he mused. He had a knowing smile now and both blue eyes gazing up at you. The both of you knew the answer; it was just that Phil was trying his hardest not to laugh before you said it.

"Yes, even when you sound like Darth Vader and not Prince William," you confirmed his thoughts.

"Okay, good. I can't kiss you, so I'll give you some air kisses instead." You raised a brow at him quizzically before laughing as he pouted his lips, making a face close to that of a fish's then letting out smooching noises.

"Stop that!" you chided playfully, squeezing his cheeks in your hands. When he wouldn't and simply laughed at you instead, you leaned over a bit more to kiss him. It was then that a sudden spray of saliva and other fluids hit your face and made you freeze in your position.

"Sorry!" Phil gasped. Even though he must have been somewhat drowsy from all the cough medicine he'd been downing, he did his best to spring off the bed and find a tissue to clean you up. "I didn't mean to sneeze in your face! You were holding my cheeks and I couldn't pull away!"

You just smiled slightly and scrunched your nose as you took the tissue from Phil's hands to wipe off all the wet contamination. It wasn't really a wonder how much you loved this five year old man because he had just sneezed directly in your face, and you were still smiling. 

"It's a good thing I love you, huh?" you sighed after wiping his sneeze from your eyes.

"It's a really good thing- yeah," Phil agreed with a sheepish smile.

A/N: Wow, pretty good timing following Phil's livestream with a cold! :D

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