x"How is he in bed?"x

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"You never tweet, you overeat. All you do is cry and sleep."

A/N: Chapters that include sexual content will have an 'x' by the title!  

Dan: Dan had decided to travel south to Wokingham to visit his parents. And coincidentally, around the same time, your friends were visiting and wanted to stop by to catch up with you. You decided you would save poor Daniel the awkward social strife and meet up with your friends while he was spending time with his family.

It was a pleasant little gathering; you were in the middle of your first glass of wine, sipping slowly and enjoying the bants and laughs that came with it. Your friends had just finished telling you an anecdote about how she and another mutual friend of yours that got together. The story was extremely sweet, but suddenly, the conversation took a turn for the lewd when your friend looked at you impishly.

"What?" you questioned just before the wine touched your lips.

"Dan. What's he like in bed?"

If looking at yourself from an outside perspective, it was clear that the question startled you. You could already feel your cheeks burning and your eyes almost popping out of your head. Silently, you began praying and thanking every almighty being for not sipping your wine quite when she asked the probing question. Surely, you would have choked. "Wha- What's he like in bed?" you stammered.

"Yeah. C'mon, Y/N. We're all friends here," she said coolly, her red painted lips pulled into a smile as she awaited your answer.

Instantly, images of Dan hovering over you came to mind - his pink lips pouted and swollen from the intense kissing, your stomach turning from the excitement of having him to yourself in such a way with the lust practically dripping from his being and onto you. And in those particular moments, you could never see yourself wanting anyone else so strongly ever again. You just wanted all of his skin touching yours, to make him moan, to satisfy him.

You wanted to pull him closer, wrap your arms around his neck, leave furious marks on his pale collar bones as he slowly tortured you with the grazes of his fingertips, to see his dimples pop and hear his light laugh when you would whine and beg for him. You wanted him to take his time with you and make your senses ignite before he finally satiated the biggest burning need for which all the sexual activities between you two began. You wanted him to complete you, to drive you mad but tell you he loves you repeatedly, giving you something so sweet to accompany something so heated, so sinful.

God, you just wanted him.

"Someone needs a cold shower," your friend giggled across from you. "And you didn't even answer my question," she tsked.

"Oh." You could feel your cheeks burning once again, and all at once, you started to wish Dan had never left town as the images of him faded. "He's amazing."

Phil: Being the power couple of all of both Phil's and your mutual friends, especially in terms of decorating, the two of you didn't have to be asked twice to host Joey's surprise birthday party  in your shared home. You had worked incessantly and meticulously, making sure the decorations were quality items and specially designed to Joey's liking, that there were enough coasters and seats for everyone while Phil went professional planner and actually calculated as well as bought a sufficient amount of drinks and snacks for everyone that was coming.

It wasn't until the party was settled in and the guests were all mingling that you and Phil had finally calmed down and had a chance to ease into the scene yourselves. Phil was across the room in the kitchen with a group of friends and you were in the living area with yours. All of their eyes were directed towards you then Phil as you gave him a thumbs up for his party planning successes and he returned it with an almost thumbs up and almost dropping of his glass.

You couldn't help grinning and shaking your head in dismay as he recovered himself with a chuckle and a quick reaction to catch his drink. "Jesus Christ," you sighed but with amusement more than anything.

"Is he always like that?" A friend of yours asked, his infliction friendly and curious.

"Like what?"

"Silly, clumsy, adorable," he answered then took a sip of his drink. You paused to consider his question just before he chimed in again with another. "If he's like that all the time, what's he like in bed?"

Your eyes grew slightly in size and your stomach did a flip. It's not that Phil was bad in bed - it was just that he wasn't the dream guy that everyone expects their partner to be. By no means was he lacking. It just came down to his execution. "He's not like that all the time," you defended in a mere mumble.

Who were you kidding? There was never a time Phil wasn't making mistakes. But his little flaws and mistakes made your intimate moments with him all the more exclusive and special. One time, he had picked you up, carried you to the bedroom, and attempted to lay you down as a beautifully romantic gesture, but he had bumped your head on the headboard. And another time, Phil was undressing and had tripped over his jeans and split his lip, and you had to nurse him back to health at the peak of your arousal. And on another occasion, you had the hiccups which left the two of you a giggling ball of ardor, something most couples would deem taboo.

But Phil was so perfect and genuine that his sincerity and sweetness was what turned you on. He didn't need to have rippling muscles, or a particularly sexy voice (even though you thought it was sexy on its own)or a special way of seducing you. Even when he was apologizing or constantly making sure he was being gentle in the middle of sex, you found him irresistible.

"Phil's wonderful," you finally and simply stated, your eyes not yet having left Phil as he chatted with vibrancy then broke into the kind of laugh that made his eyes squint with glee. "In all areas, he's so sweet and so wonderful." How could anyone think less than that of him? you wondered.

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