He Gets Jealous

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"Do you wanna sniff my plant? Give it a little sniff."

Dan: Every few nights or so, you, Dan, Phil, Louise, and a few of your other shared mutual friends would get together at someone's house or flat and have an epic game night. Fortunately for you most nights, Dan would be your partner and he was typically extremely competitive so it gave you a bit of an edge.

But tonight was different as Phil had invited an up and coming youtuber named Charlie just so he had some friends in the business when Playlist Live came around. After drawing names from a hat, Charlie became your partner, and through a few games of Twister and Sorry, you learned he was an incredibly nice person. Even through a tedious game of Scrabble and though a lack of basic strategy kept you two from winning most of the games, you were still having quite a fun time. Although seemingly, it was all to Dan's displeasure.

His eyes hadn't left you once that night, and you caught him staring at you and Charlie with a straight face more than once. The staring would only get worse as Charlie would whisper the answers to questions in your ear. Phil would often try to divert Dan's attention from you and Charlie by cheering loudly or directing Dan to watch what was happening in the game, but his focus would only budge for a second before landing on you again.

It was starting to worry you -- or in all honesty -- amuse you. There was no denying that he looked so sexy when his face had melded into both boredom and annoyance. And he would repeatedly nibble on his lower lip before almost frowning when Charlie would make you laugh, his dark brown eyes clearly sizing up the bloke that was stealing the boyfriend points he was supposed to be earning from his own girl. But Dan was a non-confrontational guy, and you had placed your bets on the fate that said he would just keep exchanging looks rather than say something.

You had been wrong.

It had gotten down to the final game of the night, and you and Charlie were up for the first turn.

"Oooh..." You said with an impish smile as you picked up one of the Cards Against Humanity. "My grandma loves to watch me..."

Phil and Louise's eyes widened and Dan let out a few light chuckles. "Right, this is gonna be good," he spoke, his eyes meeting yours cheerfully.

You grinned back at him then waited patiently for everyone to place their horrible answers in the center. When all cards were stacked in the middle of the table, you finally picked them up to read them aloud. "My grandma loves to watch me... bathe in feces. Pretty good," you laughed as everyone broke into shocked laughter. You continue reading all the cards, but you stopped and almost fell over during your own laughter when your eyes caught sight of the last card. "My grandma loves to watch me... eat ass."

When Charlie noticed you struggling to contain your giggles at the bizarre phrase, he spoke up proudly, leaning back in his chair. "Yup, that was mine. I won." 

Dan let out a somewhat audible sigh as he surrendered his card to Charlie. You were surprised he didn't say anything further -- but that quickly changed, his eyes burning into the two of you as Charlie spoke again.

"That was a pretty sick card... You must have a dirty mind, Y/N."

With a leveled voice, Dan smiled at Charlie but with a hard stare, passively hinting at his annoyance. "If she does, she's not going to share it with you. You're lucky she's even sharing this table after having to play on your team all night," he said in a voice only loud enough for each word to be heard.

Since Dan was naturally sarcastic and competitive, it didn't come across as hostile as it may have seemed to be in his head, and Felix, Charlie, and the others just laughed to themselves. But across the table, you could see Phil and Louise's faces change as the three of you let out a collective and silent "oooh" as you all were the ones who knew Dan best. He was jealous, and he had no way of hiding it from you.

Phil: As successful as you wanted your boyfriend to be, you were immensely thankful that Phil was not quite a celebrity. It was so relieving to be able to go out with him and only be approached by a few fans at most. One of your favorite places to go was a small frozen treat shoppe on a boardwalk near the beach, and you and Phil made sure to make it a habit to visit it every other Friday afternoon. Because of that reason, you also became rather close with the shoppe owner, Tyler. He had always been very kind and close to the both of you, often striking up conversation about family or spontaneously buying the two of you margaritas.  

Like tradition, you and Phil (in his cute little jean shorts) approached the shoppe bar counter hand-in-hand and slid onto a couple of stools. The only difference was that Tyler came bursting through the backroom doors with a little more vivacity than usual.

"Y/N, Phil! God, it's great to see you guys!" he said excitedly, rather awkwardly yanking you then Phil into hugs. You tried not to laugh as Phil complied meekly, his lanky body ungracefully falling against Tyler's and his face full of bewilderment. "I'm so happy you're here! Sit, sit!"

You furrowed your brows then exchanged looks with Phil as you both sat down again. "What's all the cheering about?" you asked.

"My shop!" His answer seemed to echo within the small space and carry to the boardwalk as well. "It's expanding! I just got approved to open one in Ireland! I am so excited!"

"Oh my god! That's amazing!" Phil grinned at him, his eyes shining with sincere happiness. "Way to go, Tyler! You're not leaving us too soon, are you?"

"Of course not," he scoffed, waving his hand dismissively. "I am gonna stay here. My cousins are gonna run the one in Ireland."

"Tyler, that is so awesome! We're so proud of you!" You complimented.

"Really, you guys are amazing. I couldn't have done this without you." You were about to add that it was nothing, that Phil had no problem giving him a very brief spon over twitter, but before you knew it, you couldn't truly speak. Tyler grabbed your face and kissed your lips.

Thankfully, it was nothing intrusive. He didn't use tongue or move his lips -- it was more of a peck. But seeing as they weren't Phil's lips and it wasn't a romantic situation at all, you were left stunned and confused.

"You know what?" Tyler said, still running on adrenaline and oblivious to yours and Phil's addled expressions. "I'm gonna go get us a few drinks to celebrate! I'll be back!" With that, Tyler ran back into the backroom just as quickly as he exited it earlier.

When you finally recovered enough to possibly speak, you looked over at Phil whose eyebrows were raised in concern and whose big blue eyes were even larger. "Wha- What was that?!" he asked, his voice high pitched the way it would be when he would be watching something shocking or disturbing.

Your face burned with a blush, but unfortunately, it was of mortification. Another man had just kissed you in front of your boyfriend. "I have no idea, Phil. I didn't lead him into it at all!" You explained although you knew Phil was understanding enough not to demand an explanation from you.

"I know! I didn't know it was okay for a guy to just, like, grab someone's face and make out with them!" he complained, his arms flailing and his face still reading as offended and confused.

"Maybe he missed my cheek?"

"Y/N, he grabbed your face!" Phil's voice was still high in shock, but he let out a few chuckles. His eyes even crinkled at the corners and bit of a smile was on his lips. Immediately, you were relieved knowing he wasn't hurt or upset about it.

"Yeah, I know," you giggled, grabbing his hand again. There was something securing in the feeling of having Phil's fingers laced with yours. "I am just as shocked as you are."

Phil just shook his head a little before lifting your hand to his lips to kiss your finger. He usually wasn't one for PDA, but perhaps he was trying to prove a point and regain what he felt like he just almost lost. "I hope he doesn't come back and, like, drinks a shot from your bellybutton or something as a thank you..."

"Phil!" you gasped at him, surprised he even knew such a drinking activity existed.

"What?!" he questioned innocently.

"You're just jealous he didn't kiss you on the lips," you teased.

Phil laughed a little and gave you a wide smile. "Yup, that's it. I confess my sin, please forgive me..."

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