When You're Crying

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"Do you think I'm sexually attracted to spiders?"

Dan: When you're crying, it's almost as if Dan becomes a stranger to you again. It wasn't in a negative way. It was simply that he was used to seeing you happy, and he had never had to deal with this side of you before. At first, he'll try verbal comfort, feeling like it was the best option to go seeing as some people preferred personal space during a delicate time like this. But then, his better judgement will slap him in the face and he will begin giving himself a mental peptalk, saying that you would stop crying and that he was doing a good job with trying to help. Hesitantly, his arms would encircle you and he would hold you into his chest as you hashed out your emotions, sitting as still and stiff as a tree, his heart absolutely racing in his chest at the troubling thought of you continuing to cry or having the look of your tear-soaked face break his heart.

Phil: When you're crying, it's almost a telepathic connection. He wasn't the one crying, and yet his eyes would water and he'd be blinking away his own tears which came as a natural physical reaction. A lump would form in his throat before he would swallow hard and try his best to coach you through it. "Don't cry," he would murmur in a whine, stroking your hair and holding you close. Each second without visible or audible sobs was a point for him, so he would do anything he could to distract you from your tears. "You don't need to cry," he would say as if he wanted to battle whatever it was that brought you into this state. And with the two of you needing a source of sudden positivity, Phil would think of every cringe-worthy, corny puns you had laughed at in the past and recite them one by one just until you could laugh or smile with him again.

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