Something He Loves About You

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"I hope you're all having the worst day ever."

Dan: You're smarter than him.

Well, it's not that you're truly more intelligent than him -- Dan knew he was pretty bright and received relatively good notes in school. But you were so damned passionate about your studies in school, and he admired that. He could have never completed college, forcing himself to delve into work he didn't want to do just so he could say he did it. So watching you do just that -- staying up late to study, making a conscious effort to impress your professors, and more -- made him more proud than he could ever tell you. He would do his very best to show it every step of the way, though through little things like buying snacks and coffee and taking you to little extracurricular events... And when it was time for graduation, he would be there as well, hollering your name obnoxiously as you walked across the stage and looking into your eyes after to tell you you did it. 

Phil: Your patience.

It wasn't as though Phil felt like everyone around him had a short temper. Most everyone he surrounded himself with were very kind, patient people. But the kind of patience you possessed made him swoon. It was a lovely, compassionate kind of patience you had that made him gush to his mum about you. He could see it in the little things you did. If someone in a fast food line in front of you was taking too long to order, you would suggest your favorite menu item to them. If someone was having trouble pulling out of a lot, you would reverse a little to make more room for them. It was fascinating, to say the least. Granted, Phil knew he was pretty patient and kind himself as Dan would never let him live down the moment when he had let several people cut in front of him at Disneyland without a word, but you were on another level to him. The amount of empathy you held in your heart made you golden, and to him, you were something like a queen. And one day soon, he knew it would be his pleasure to make the move to become the king that sat beside you in support.

A/N: If these traits don't apply to you, there are more prefs like these to come. xx

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