The library

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His lips felt soft when they touched mine, and it was amazing to have someone grabing my cheeks like he did, but it still felt weird, embaressing and wrong, still amazing though.

- Wtf? I said as he let go of my cheek and pulled away from me.
- I'm so sorry Lilly I don't know what happend you just looked so....

I knew what he was going to say, "that he just kissed me because I looked so hot, Sexy or.....

- ....beautiful he said and looked down.
- umm.... I have to go Cameron
- oh ok I'll see you tomorrow right?
- Yeah probably... Bye! I walked out if his room and ran down the stairs and out of the front door.

Camerons POV
Tuseday Lunch time

How the fuck could I kiss her like that and she didn't even enjoy it how could I be so stupid?.

- OMG Cam it's hamburger toda.... Cam?! Are you even listening to me?!
- what? No sorry what did you say?
- oh look who's not listening now?
- sorry, Julia but what could you say that would be even a little interesting? Huh? Tell me!
- bitch what did you say to me?!
- what i'm trying to say is that you are so fucking dumb and stupid.

What did I just say? How could I say that to her what did I think of?

- I'm sorry but if you don't want to hang out with us you don't have to Julia said
- Yes he do Lele replied.
- Yeah he does Jack said and if you don't like him you don't have to be with us
- wtf is wrong with you? I'm more popular then you three together!
- hah funny you're not Jack laughed
- no You're definitely not, I think it's time for you to leave now Lele said and gave her the finger🖕🏼
- ok sure you guys are losers anyway, I don't need you! Julia said and ran out of the cafeteria.
Wtf just happend?

Lillys POV
Troye was still sick, and Yeah I did mention that I had a squad before but that squad was Me, Troye, Grayson and his brother Ethan and Ethan is obviously on Grayson's "side" so that leaves me alone with Troye. I ate my hamburger and went away to the library to study, I closed the door behind Me and realized I was all alone in the library.

- Fuck yes I whispererd
I went a little deeper into the library when I heard someone crying, I followed the sound and behind a book shelf I found the one that was crying it was Julia...

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