She made to many mistakes

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Leles POV
I walked to Julias house after Lilly "came back to life" Mrs Greenfield told us to go home but I wanted to check on Julia she didn't reply to my texts and I was a bit worried.

I mean she can be a bitch some times but who isn't? Even if she made some mistakes she's still my Bff and I Love her no matter what.

I walked up to her door and knocked no answear. I knocked again and no one opend so I tried to open the door it wasn't locked so the door opend and I could walk in.

- Hello! Is anybody here! I screamed
Hello!!!!!!! Is anyone here!!!! Please Julia I know that you're here!!! I'm sorry if I did something wrong just come downstairs!

I waited for 1 min but Julia didn't come so I walked up the stairs up to her room the door was closed I knocked

- Julia? Are you in there? I'm coming in!
I opend the door and was greated with the horrible look of my best friend... Julia was hanging in her chandelier dead she had a rope around her neck and she had her eyes opend

- Julia! I screamed as tears filled my eyes Julia wake up!!!! Julia!! Please you're not dead!

The chair that I bought to her when she moved into her new house was laying on the floor next to her. I grabed the army knife I knew she had under her pillow and climbed up on the chair to cut her down.

After a while her lifeless body fell down to the floor. I tried to shake life to her but I realized that she was really dead. I couldn't believe it.

I called the police and they arrived in 10 min

They told me it was bad that I cut her down but they knew that she was dead before I did it so they didn't think that I killed her.

After an hour I was sent home my parents knew about it and they made me stay home for 4 days after her death. Everyone at school did apparently know about it and of course did they also know that I was the one who found her.
Friday 5 days after Julias death

Lillys POV
- I can't believe she's gone it's so quiet. Troye said
- It feels weird she has always been here and even if I didn't really enjoy her company I do miss her.... But I know this isn't my fault it can't be!

- I don't think it's anyones fault I just think she thought she made to many mistakes and that she couldn't make up to them so she thought she better end it, don't you think?

- I guess, well I have to go home, my mom and I are going shopping for Julias funeral i'm of some reason invited and it would be mean of me if I didn't go.

- Yeah it would.
- They are also making me hold a speech so I have to go home and wright that to.
- when is the funeral? Troye asked
- tomorrow night. See you at monday!
- ok see you at monday

I walked home and me and my mom jumped into the car and drove to the closest dress store.

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